Home care providers to inform National Dementia Strategy

January is Alzheimer’s Awareness Month and home care providers are being invited by the Canadian Home Care Association (CHCA) to participate in a survey which will inform the National Dementia Strategy currently being developed by Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC). BCCPA is encouraging providers to take a moment to complete the survey, which seeks a […]
CKNW Future of Work Series: Caring for the next generation of seniors

BCCPA CEO Daniel Fontaine was featured in a CKNW radio program discussing the growth in seniors care, which we originally posted last spring. We are re-posting the original program and full transcript as part of our #BecauseBCCares campaign. The following was prepared by reporter Tim Dickert. With more and more baby boomers entering their senior […]
BCCPA launches quality assurance in home health project

Many people would be surprised to learn that there is very little oversight for private, non-subsidized home health operators in B.C. For seniors and their families who are purchasing services privately, this means that there is limited information on which to base their decisions, and little recourse should they experience poor quality of care. While […]
BCCPA attends Canadian Home Care Summit in Toronto

This week the BC Care Providers Association attended the 2017 Canadian Home Care Summit held in Toronto, Ontario. The summit, which focused on Integrated Care, was one of three national summits held across Canada, the first in Edmonton, Alberta and the last to be held in Halifax, Nova Scotia on November 14 and 15. Rebecca […]
Higher acuity levels creating challenges for A.L. & home care providers

On September 28, BCCPA hosted two listening tour roundtables in the new SafeCare BC Training Centre – one for assisted living (A.L.) providers and another for home care providers. Mike Klassen, BCCPA’s VP of Communications and Stakeholder Relations, was joined at Thursday’s event by Rebecca Morris, Manager of Public Affairs, Home Care and Assisted Living […]
South Island providers attend BCCPA Listening Tour

This week BCCPA’s Mike Klassen and Rebecca Morris continued the BCCPA listening tour by holding round table events for Assisted Living (A.L.) and Home Care providers. “These listening tour events have highlighted that regional differences play a significant role in the challenges and opportunities which providers face across the province,” says Morris. “While this can […]
BCCPA Listening Tour making its way to Victoria and Sidney

After successful roundtable events in Kelowna, the BCCPA team is coming to Victoria and Sidney where they will hear from assisted living and home care providers to identify key challenges facing the sectors. The roundtables are part of an eight-part, province-wide listening tour. Rebecca Morris, BCCPA’s Manager of Public Affairs for assisted living and home care, […]
BCCPA hears from the Central Okanagan

Listening Tour roundtables identify key challenges facing home care and assisted living providers At the first stop on BCCPA’s listening tour in Kelowna, BCCPA’s Mike Klassen and Rebecca Morris held separate roundtables with home care and assisted living (A.L.) providers. “B.C. is a diverse province and providers face different challenges, depending on where they are,” says […]
Kelowna roundtables expected to focus on care worker shortage

On Thursday in Kelowna, BCCPA’s Mike Klassen and Rebecca Morris will meet with home care and assisted living (A.L.) providers. Both roundtable events will be part of an eight-part, province-wide listening tour. “To inform our research and advocacy efforts we have made sure that the listening forums are open to both BCCPA members and non-members,” says […]