Important Details: Consultation Session with Deputy Minister

Pre-Session Conference Call


Prior to the Consultation Session with Deputy Minister, Stephen Brown the BC Care Providers Association will be hosting a conference call for those attending. Leading the call will be Dave Cheperdak, President, BCCPA and Daniel Fontaine, CEO, BCCPA.

The purpose of this conference call will be to formulate a unified message from the sector and important questions for the Deputy Minister.

Details of Conference Call:
Date: Tuesday, March 24th
Time: 9:00AM-10:00AM
Dial-in Number: 1.866.512.0904
Participant Code: 9365658

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Materials For Session

Executive Summaries- Ministry of Health Policy Papers

POWER POINT: Ministry of Health Stakeholders Presentation


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Message From The Ministry of Health

mohThank you for agreeing to be part of our orientation process on the policy papers and their proposed actions. In follow up of our invitation, this is to confirm that the orientation session will take place at the Marriott Pinnacle Hotel, 1128 W Hastings St, Vancouver. The meeting will start at 9:00 am and end at 12:00pm. Ministry of Health senior leadership will provide an orientation to the papers and then provide an opportunity for discussion and feedback.

In advance of the meeting, we want to encourage you to read the executive summaries and policy papers posted on the Ministry website at We would also like to share with you the power point presentation that will guide the discussion, and direct your attention to the questions outlined in the deck (access here).

In Delivering a Patient-Centred, High Performing and Sustainable Health System we explained that the policy papers have been developed with a view to our population and patient needs, current service models, improvement initiatives including health promotion underway, and some promising directions coming from the applied health system literature or being tried in other jurisdictions. We have then set out a number of proposed actions that we think make sense based on the previous elements. We now want to see what you think:

Have we hit the mark?

  • Have we hit the mark in assessing the population needs?
  • Have we hit the mark in focusing our efforts on those health services – primary and community care, surgical services, and rural services – which are critical to the sustainability of the publicly funded health system in B.C.?

Are there key pieces of information we have missed?

  • Are there gaps in our analysis, and if so, what are they?
  • Do you agree with the recommendations in the policy papers?
  • What would be the top three recommendations you would see as a priority for each paper?

Are there other cross system actions that you believe would provide better system wide results?

  • If you could do anything in the current system to improve it, what would it be?

We appreciate your interest and participation and are looking forward to seeing you at the orientation session.


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