Care to Chat: Hear from panelist Clara Dyck, Education and Resource Leader at North Okanagan Hospice Society & SPA-LTC Research Partner

BC Care Providers Association (BCCPA) and EngAge BC are delighted for the return of our Care to Chat series on November 2nd at Surrey’s Civic Hotel. Titled From Long-Term Care to Lasting Comfort: Promoting End-of-Life Journeys with Palliative-Hospice Care, the event will feature a lineup of panelists including Clara Dyck, Education and Resource Leader at North Okanagan Hospice Society and Research Partner with Strengthening a Palliative Approach in Long-Term Care (SPA-LTC).

As the Education and Resource Leader at North Okanagan Hospice Society, Clara manages and facilitates community awareness and education programs on improving palliative care.

Notably, she is also a research partner with the SPA-LTC program, alongside Dr. Sharon Kaasalainen and McMaster University. Their team of health researchers developed the program as an approach to care that draws together best practices in palliative care within long-term care settings across the globe, which were tested, adapted and applied to Canadian long-term care settings.

In addition, Clara is an Associate Member of the Institute for Healthy Living and Chronic Disease Preventions, University of British Columbia.

Throughout her work, Clara uses her expertise and knowledge of death and dying to support people along the care continuum from diagnosis of a life limiting illness to bereavement, at all the healthcare touch points. Her breadth of knowledge of end-of-life care ranges from whole person symptom management, Advanced Care Planning to care of the dying in a culturally sensitive trauma-informed manner.


Join us at Care to Chat to hear Clara’s insights and expertise on enhancing palliative care in long-term care:

From Long-Term Care to Lasting Comfort: Promoting End-of-Life Journeys with Palliative-Hospice Care
Date: Thursday, November 2, 2023
Time: 11:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Location: Civic Hotel (Civic Ballroom B), 13475 Central Ave, Surrey, British Columbia V3T 0L8

Click here to register.


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