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SafeCare BC Member Survey 2019

SafeCare BC’s mission has always been to help foster safer and healthier workplaces for continuing care workers across BC. We design our workshops and programs to equip our members with the knowledge they need – and that’s why we want to hear from you.

From May 15 – June 5, SafeCare BC is inviting all of its members – this includes front-line workers, managers, and senior leaders –  to participate in an online survey to provide us with feedback on our programs and services.

The survey will take approximately 10 minutes to complete. Click here to take the survey.

As a thank you for participating, you will have a chance to win one of three fabulous prizes:


  • SafeCare BC Coffee Break for staff in your organization
  • Family movie night package ($50 value)
  • Coffee gift card ($25 value)

Sparking Workplace Safety

Spark is a grant program created by SafeCare BC for continuing care organizations that want to boost safe handling or violence prevention initiatives at their organization.

Organizations selected will receive up to $6,500 to support safe handling or violence prevention at their organization.

Deadline for Applications is May 31. Apply today!

Workshop Spotlight

Provincial Violence Prevention Curriculum 
June 3 – Kelowna – Registration deadline May 20

The Provincial Violence Prevention Curriculum classroom course is an essential tool for anyone working in continuing care. Led by an expert facilitator, who understands the health care environment, the session provides participants with the opportunity to practice and apply their knowledge in various scenarios.

Safe Client Handling Peer Facilitator Education
June 10 – Burnaby – Registration deadline May 26

Safe Client Handling Peer Facilitator Training is a two-day, in-person workshop that includes both classroom and simulation components. The course seeks to provide comprehensive training on safe handling best-practices and coaching principles.

Creating Connections – Working with People with Dementia
June 25 – Sidney – Registration deadline June 10

This course is intended to provide core care training for dementia, including how dementia impacts people physically, mentally, and socially. Through lecture, interactive discussion, and video clips, you will gain the tools to feel safe as a caregiver and gain confidence in providing the best care possible.

Be sure to check out SafeCare BC’s entire course schedule here. Should you have any questions about our workshops, or if you’re interested in booking a session at your organization, contact Jenn Lesage.

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