Survey launches for Seniors Safety and Quality Improvement Program (SSQIP)

Today the BCCPA launched a needs assessment survey in preparation for the intake of residential care applications for the Seniors Safety and Quality Improvement Program (SSQIP). Care home operators, as well as assisted living and home care providers encouraged to take the survey.

BCCPA Director of Programs Snezana Ristovski

“I’m pleased to announce the needs assessment survey is ready for your action, and can be launched through the SSQIP page,” says BCCPA Director of Programs Snezana Ristovski.

“I’m looking forward to your participation, and capturing the voice of your home for equipment funding needs enhancing senior safety and quality of life.”

The BCCPA contracted an external consultant to conduct a comprehensive province-wide needs assessment focusing on current and future requirements for equipment purchases to support the effective and safe delivery of high quality seniors care in the province. You may receive an email from the Howegroup directly to take the needs assessment, or you can launch the needs assessment from our Programs page.

The survey will be open for two weeks so please take some time to complete the needs assessment for your care home. If we do not receive enough responses for the needs assessment by November 17th, 2017, it could delay the launch of the application and funding of equipment. Only one response per care home is needed and this could be from the Director of Care, Site Manager, or Care Leader who can determine equipment, maintenance and training needs.


The report from the needs assessment will help shape the SSQIP  funding model, as well as finalize the criteria and eligibility for the application set to launch mid-December.

What About Assisted Living and Home Care or Home Support?

Although SSQIP funding is currently available only for profit and non-profit publicly-funded residential care homes, the BCCPA would also like to hear from Assisted Living, Home Care, and Home Support providers for future funding potential of these sectors.

Let us know what your short- and long-term needs are by launching the needs assessment now. The needs assessment is available for two weeks closing November 17th, 2017. You may receive an email from the Howegroup directly to take the needs assessment, or you can launch the needs assessment here.

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