What’s new with BCCPA’s partnership development initiative?

BC Care Providers Association is pleased to announce the latest updates in its partnership development initiative.

The partnership development initiative is now in full swing, with the anticipated launch of the BCCPA’s new grants database in early November.  This database, which will only be accessible to BCCPA members, will catalogue various grants and funding opportunities available. Members will be able to search for government [municipal, provincial, federal] and non-government grants that suit their organization’s profile and needs, and will have access to key information, including deadlines, contacts, eligibility considerations, important links, and other information that will help guide BCCPA members as they search for the right funding opportunities.

Justine Hall, Manager of Partnership Development

In July, BCCPA hired Justine Hall as the new Manager of Partnership Development, a new position created to support the Association’s members, and to further the BCCPA’s 2017-2020 Strategic Plan to strengthen the delivery of seniors care in BC.

“I’m pleased with the progress of the new grant database, and I look forward to interacting with members and giving our members an opportunity to interact with each other, with the launch of our new grant resource workspace. I believe these new tools will be invaluable to members as they look to secure new funding,” says Hall.

Concurrently, BCCPA will also be launching a new grant workspace to support the database.  The workspace will be interactive, and will give members updates on grants, resources and tips for applying, and discussions where members can post sector-wide grants of which they want to notify BCCPA, as well as members’ own tips and best practices that they believe allowed them to be successful in their own grant applications.


Stay tuned for the official launch of the grant database and workspace in early November!

Members with any tips or leads on grants, or questions about the grant database, should contact Justine Hall at justine@bccare.ca.

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