Rexall Returns as Care to Chat Speaker Series Title Sponsor


The BC Care Provider’s Association (BCCPA) is pleased to announce that Rexall Health Solutions, a division of Rexall, has been selected as the Title Sponsor for Season IV of the nationally recognized Care to Chat speaker series. Launched in 2013, over 2,500 paid guests have attended the 12 events that have taken place both in Vancouver and Whistler.

The Care to Chat Speaker Series fourth season will also introduce a new visual identity. The new Care to Chat logo seen here is released publicly today for the first time.


“We are extremely pleased to have Rexall Health Solutions back for our fourth year of the Care to Chat Speaker Series,” says BCCPA CEO Daniel Fontaine. “Rexall’s support and ongoing partnership with our sector has been pivotal in making this important dialogue on Canadian health happen.”

For our first Care to Chat event of the season — happening on November 17, 2016 — BC Care Providers are co-hosting with SafeCare BC, an organization mandated with helping the long term care sector reduce the injury rate for workers. Our theme for the talk is, “Who Cares? Should More be Done to Support the Mental Health and Wellness of Continuing Care Staff in BC?”

PROOF-8700Our special guest moderator and speaker will be popular radio broadcaster Jon McComb from CKNW 980.


“Rexall Health Solutions is glad to be back as the Title Sponsor for the next season of the Care to Chat Speaker Series,” says Norman Hertzman, Director Business Development at Rexall. “Innovation and improving health care outcomes is at the core of our business. This is a big reason why we support the dialogue happening at Care to Chat.”

The BCCPA will be announcing our of gold and silver sponsors on Monday, September 12th.

About Rexall Health Solutions

Rexall Health Solutions division provides highly specialized clinical care and complex medication management services in transitional care settings. Their dedicated team of professionals work closely with physicians, nurses, residents and their families, to manage complex medication therapies, and to strive for optimal health outcomes. Visit their website at

About the BCCPA

BC Care Providers Association is the leading industry association for BC’s continuing care sector. We have been serving non-government care providers for 40 years. Our growing membership includes over 300 residential care, assisted living, home support and commercial members across British Columbia. Over 23,000 seniors and younger adults living with an acquired brain injury or neurological disease receive their care from our members each day.

Event Details

Thursday, November 17, 2016
11:30 AM – 2:00 PM

Terminal City Club
837 W Hastings St
Vancouver, British Columbia V6C 1B6

Online registration:

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