Celeste Mullin Appointed to BCCPA Board

Celeste Mullin - Bio Photo - Golden Life Management (002)
Celleste Mullin was recently appointed to the BCCPA Board of Directors

The BCCPA is pleased to announce the appointment of Celeste Mullin, Vice-President, Corporate Business, Golden Life Management, to the Board of Directors. Mullin lives in Cranbrook and has been involved in her family business for most of her professional career. Golden Life Management has been a BCCPA member since 2007. Their portfolio encompasses the full range of housing and service options, including life leases, independent living, assisted living, and residential care programs in both British Columbia and Alberta.

“We’re pleased to have someone with Ms. Mullin’s extensive business experience and industry knowledge on the Board,” says Aly Devji, Vice-President and Chair of the Nominating Committee. “It’s also great to have someone from the Kootenays at the Board table to ensure we have a broader province-wide perspective.”

Mullin has also served Vice-President for the BC Seniors Living Association (BCSLA) and as a Director for the Cranbrook Chamber of Commerce.

“I bring a desire to find creative solutions to our industry challenges while building solid relationships and maintaining the Board’s reputation,” says Mullin.

The BCCPA also wants to extend its gratitude and best wishes to Maria Favero, Chief Administrator with Villa Carital, who recently resigned from the Board.


If you are a member of the BCCPA and are interested in volunteering on our Board of Directors, please contact Diana Lim, Board Secretariat at diana@bccare.ca.


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