SafeCare BC is proud to announce that over 850 employer representatives, front-line workers and seniors care partners attended 25 SafeCare BC special events and workshops in 2015.
“We are pleased to see that our workshops and events are being well-received by our members,” said SafeCare BC Executive Director David Hurford. “Our workshops allow continuing care managers and staff to learn new techniques as well as share existing ones with their peers. We look forward to announcing a new slate of exciting and informative workshops and events in the coming year.”
This year, SafeCare BC hosted a total of 20 workshops, 2 Tele-Forums, a special speaker event, the Be Care Away Day event and also co-hosted a Care to Chat speaker event with the BC Care Providers Association (BCCPA).
The most highly-attended workshop in 2015 was the Creating Connections: Working with People with Dementia workshops. A total of 359 people attended six of these workshops which were held in the Lower Mainland, Vancouver Island and the Okanagan.
“We have had a lot of success by sending our staff to the Creating Connections workshops,” said one manager who attended. “The culture in the home is shifting positively due to the focus on violence prevention and safety.”
Another highly-attended workshop in 2015 was the Violence Prevention workshops. A total of 121 people attended the seven workshops which were also held throughout the province.
“I am a supervisor who has found many good ideas to help train my employees to stay safe,” said a Registered Nurse who attended a workshop. “Especially around training in responsive behaviours. I attended an in-person training day and have applied many things to my own practice. I also teach them to my staff and will use them for future training.”
SafeCare BC Workshops/Events Attendance
- Creating Connections: Working with People with Dementia – 359 attendees (6 sessions)
- Violence Prevention – 121 attendees (7 sessions)
- Safety Culture – 34 attendees (4 sessions)
- Safe Resident Handling Self-Evaluation Tool – 18 attendees (3 sessions)
- Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committee Training – 15 attendees (1 session)
- Bullying Tele-Forum – 44 attendees
- Bill 9 Tele-Forum – 24 attendees
- Clash of Concepts speaker event – 85 attendees
- Be Care Aware Day event – 40 attendees
- Dementia Village Care to Chat (co-hosted with BCCPA) – 155 attendees