Elaine Price Elected As New BCCPA President

Elaine Price- Chair, Governance Committee
Elaine Price is the newly elected President of the BC Care Providers Association

The BC Care Providers Association (BCCPA) is pleased to announce Elaine Price, as new President of the Association. Price takes over from Dave Cheperdak who has served in the role since May 2013. The BCCPA also welcomes nine new and returning Board Members elected for two year terms. The elections took place at the Annual General Meeting on Monday, May 25th in Whistler, BC.

special resolution regarding the establishment of a new BC Continuing Care Collaborative & transparent funding principles between the Health Authorities and care providers also passed unanimously. 

“The Association has made some terrific headway over the past two years, and on behalf of the new board we are proud to carry on the torch,” says Elaine Price, President, BCCPA. “One of my key priorities will be to further increase the value for our members through effective advocacy, research, policy development, and education.”

Learn more about your nine new and returning board members by clicking their names below. 

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[accordion-item title=”Tony Baena: Regional Vice President, Western Operations – BayBridge Senior Living”]

tony baenaTony has ten years’ experience at an executive level for multi-site funded and private pay senior housing. He has been responsible for all aspects of operations including sales and marketing, human resources, care and hospitality services and government relations. Tony has also had extensive interactions with the Ministry of Health and the 5 regional health authorities.

Prior to joining Baybridge Senior Living, Tony served for 8 years as Vice President of Operations for Retirement Concepts. Tony also has a diverse background in business and finance, having worked in banking, the airline industry and post-secondary education. He is recognized as an industry leader and has extensive knowledge in the field of senior living. This knowledge would benefit the BC Care Providers Board of Directors not only in the short term goals of the association but more importantly in the long term goals.

Tony has a Masters of Administration from the University of Alberta; he is a Certified Professional Accountant (CPA-CGA) and has a Bachelor of Commerce from McGill University.[/accordion-item]

[accordion-item title=”Karen Baillie: Chief Executive Officer – Menno Place”]

KarenBaillieKaren L. Baillie is the Chief Executive Officer of Menno Place, a campus of care that serves more than 700 seniors with a staff of 600. She has more than 30 years experience in geriatric care including executive and senior management positions in https://bccare.ca/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/medcare-img22.jpgistration, staffing, resident services and nursing. Prior to joining Menno Place, Karen served as the Executive Director of Laurel Place in Surrey and at Vancouver’s first campus of care, Haro Park Centre.

Karen has worked extensively with non-profit Boards and with private ownership facilities. She is the recipient of the 2015 Chapter Award for Distinguished Service for the BC Lower Mainland Chapter of the Canadian College of Health Leaders. In 2011, Karen was awarded the prestigious, Surrey Women in Business Award in the Professional Category.

Karen has been a surveyor with Accreditation Canada since 2005, championing best practices and embracing professional expertise and innovation through colleagues. She chaired the program advisory committee of the Vancouver Community College (VCC) – Continuing Care Program Advisory Committee for 16 years. She is currently the Vice-Chair of SafeCare BC.

Karen believes strongly in lifelong learning , faith-based service and in volunteering as an educational consultant, preceptor and mentor. She has a passion for serving seniors with excellence, dignity and compassion.

Karen has a Masters of Health Administration; a Fellow in Health Administration (with distinction); holds a Certified Health Executive designation (CCHL) and a Bachelor of Science in Nursing. [/accordion-item]

[accordion-item title=”Bob Boulter, Chief Executive Officer, President – Beacon Community Services”]


As CEO of Beacon Community Services, Bob oversees one of BC’s largest non-profit social services agencies, leading more than 1200 employees and 500 volunteers in serving 6,000 + clients in greater Victoria and the outer Gulf Islands.  Under his direction, the organization offers a vast array of programs and services, including in: home support care; counselling and mental health services; Assisted Living and licenced dementia care; and adult and seniors’ recreation services.  

 Bob was appointed Chief Executive Officer of Beacon Community Services in August 2014, having previously served as Beacon’s Vice President of Finance.

 His professional background also includes experience as an analyst with the Saskatchewan Securities Commission, financial management roles with some of Canada’s largest companies in the energy and utilities sector, and as a senior finance officer with Victoria-based Carmanah Technologies.

 Bob holds a degree in Business Administration from the University of Regina. A Chartered Accountant, he completed his Chartered Accountant articling with Deloitte, one of Canada’s leading tax, audit, and financial services firms. 


[accordion-item title=”Sue Emmons (incumbent): Executive Director – Northcrest Care Centre”]OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

Sue was appointed Executive Director of Northcrest Care Centre in April 2006, a 106  bed long term care facility in Delta, BC. Academic achievement include a Masters degree in Epidemiology from the University of Western Ontario and an undergraduate degree in Economics and Finance from the University of Lancaster in England. Sue is a Certified Health Executive with the Canadian College of Health Leaders.

Professional background includes working as a Regional Director with the Vancouver Coastal Health Authority in Decision Support and Information Management and senior https://bccare.ca/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/medcare-img22.jpgistrative positions in several Ontario hospitals.

As the Executive Director of Northcrest Care Centre, Sue directs all strategic & operational aspects of the organization. 


[accordion-item title=”Maria Favero: Administrator – Villa Carital”]

MARIA2Maria was named Executive Director of Carital Continuing Care Society (Villa Carital) in 2012. Villa Carital is an 80 bed complex care facility in East Vancouver.  The residents are primarily of Italian descent and the facility was built and supported by members of Vancouver’s vast Italian community.  Maria continues to maintain and enhance the facility in the Italian tradition and culture that follows the principals of the founder.  Maria is dedicated to providing the best possible quality of life to our seniors and to optimize their independence.

Maria has been with Villa Carital in different capacities since opening its doors in 1996. Maria has completed her Certificate in Heath Care Management from BCIT in 2011 and is certified through the Canadian College of Health Leaders.[/accordion-item]

[accordion-item title=”Rizwan Gehlen: Vice President, Finance – Park Place Seniors Living”]

Rizwan 1Rizwan Gehlen is a Chartered Accountant by profession and is currently the Vice President, Finance, for the Park Place Seniors Living group of companies. He has held this position since 2004, overseeing the complex finances of a multi-faceted company which operates seniors’ retirement residences, assisted living facilities, and residential complex care homes that serve more than 2000 seniors in BC and Alberta. Rizwan is responsible for all corporate finance, treasury and investment strategy.  Under his leadership, Park Place has been actively growing its portfolio of seniors properties through acquisitions and development opportunities.  Currently Rizwan oversees adult day support, home support, assisted living, complex care and mental health contracts within four of the five health authorities in BC and three of the five zones in Alberta.  Rizwan also finds time to support many other volunteer initiatives.  He helped develop a community youth centre, advises on several conservation projects in BC and he is a member of the Board of Directors for the Vancouver Aquarium. Rizwan currently lives with his wife and young family in Surrey, BC.[/accordion-item]

[accordion-item title=”Debra Hauptman (incumbent): Chief Executive Officer – Langley Care Society”]debrahauptman

Debra Hauptman has been Langley Care Society’s Chief Executive Officer since September 2009. A graduate of BCIT’s School of Nursing, she started her career working primarily in adult mental health services.  She has since worked in community-based mental health, vocational rehabilitation and primary care services for over twenty years in a senior management role.

Prior to Langley Care Society, Debra worked for Vancouver Coastal Health Authority, as the Manager of the Downtown Community Health Centre, a primary care clinic in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside. Prior to 2005, she was the Executive Director of SRS Vocational Services in Surrey for 13 years.

Debra earned a Master’s Degree in Business Administration from Simon Fraser University in 2002. She has served as a Director on the Central Surrey Business Improvement Association and the Surrey Board of Trade. She is currently a representative on the Seniors Advisory Committee of the Township of Langley and a Director on the Board of the BC Care Providers Association of BC.  

 In her spare time, Debra enjoys skiing in Whistler, cycling in Langley, gardening at her Willoughby home and RVing in our beautiful province. She is married with three children who are all adults, affording more time for travel and creative pursuits. Debra was appointed to the BCCPA Board in 2014. [/accordion-item]

[accordion-item title=”Ron Pike (incumbent): Executive Director – Elim Village”]

ron pikeRon has worked in the Senior Living/Care industry for the past 8 years providing Senior leadership to the growing community of Elim Village. Elim Village, located on 20+ acres in Surrey, is a Senior Living Community offering a variety of housing, wellness and care options to just over 600 residents. During Ron’s tenure at Elim he has been involved in operations, land development, facility construction, and organizational strategy and planning.  In 2012 Ron moved into the role of Executive Director of Elim Village.  Ron holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Business and a Master’s Degree in Administrative Leadership in Business.

Ron was appointed to the BCCPA Board in 2011.


[accordion-item title=”Shawn Terlson: President, Chief Executive Officer – The Good Samaritan Society”]

ShawnTerlsonShawn is a visionary leader with over 20 years senior management experience in large, complex organizations for both the public and private sectors. He has spent 15 of those years leading health regions in Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia.

As President & CEO of The Good Samaritan Society, Shawn is responsible for providing leadership and operational direction for the provision of care for seniors and persons with developmental disabilities to approximately 3,800 staff and 1,900 volunteers in 32 facilities in Alberta and British Columbia through a skilled strategic leadership team responsible for fulfilling the Vision, Mission and Values of The Society. He brings his experience with multi-site, multidivision and multi-program organizations focusing on providing quality care and accommodations within an efficient and effective organizational structure, within regulatory and provincial public policy frameworks.

He also lends his experience and expertise to various boards. He is the incoming Chair of the Alberta Continuing Care Association Board of Directors and has served in numerous membership and chair roles including the Collaborative Regional Business Integration Committee for Northern Health and Interior Health in BC; Council of Health CEOs and CFOs Alberta and Saskatchewan, Council of CFOs in BC and the Regional Shared Health Information Program (RSHIP) Governance Committee in Alberta, to name a few.

Shawn has been a presenter and guest speaker at a number of engagements including The National Healthcare Leadership Summit, the Canadian Patient Safety Institute AGM, Health Care CFO Summit in Scottsdale Arizona, and is the author of a number of copyrighted works regarding the development of Organizational Excellence Frameworks and organizational restructuring in the Canadian health care delivery system.

He has a Bachelor’s Degree from the University of Victoria in Economics, and has two professional designations as a Certified Management Accountant and a Certified Health Executive. His previous positions in health and senior care include:

• President and CEO, Peace Country Health in Alberta

• CEO of the Swift Current Health District in Saskatchewan

• VP of Corporate Services and CFO of Northern Health in British Columbia [/accordion-item]

[accordion-item title=”Chris Mitchell: Regional Director Operations (LTC) – Revera Living”]

chris mitchellChris Mitchell’s professional experience has led him to his current role as Regional Director Operations of 8 long-term care homes in greater Vancouver and Victoria regions. His passion and strength is in leadership and the “people” side of business.

His career to this point has included 11 years with the Canadian military, some of which involved managing healthcare assets within that unique system. Beyond the military, his experience in Alberta primary care further developed skills that proved invaluable to his later role as Executive Director of a large and complex long-term care home in West Vancouver.

Chris is an active member of the Canadian College of Health Leaders (CCHL) and has acquired his Certified Health Executive (CHE) designation through said College. Committed to lifelong learning, he has also acquired a Masters of Health Studies (MHS) & Leadership.

Chris’s goals are rooted in diversifying his experience through acquiring leadership positions with greater levels of responsibility over time. He enjoys challenge and has a proven track-record of transforming people-sick organizations into ones where people feel motivated to come to work and do the best they can.

Chris was appointed to the Board on June 10th for a one-year term ending at the next Annual General Meeting in May 2016.



“I also want to acknowledge and applaud our retiring members from the Board,” says Price. “Each of their contributions and years of service to the BCCPA have helped to strengthen our voice with government and ensure our organization is ready to tackle the challenges in front of us.”

The retiring directors include:

  • Mary McDougall, President, Buron Healthcare Group
  • Azim Jamal, CEO, Retirement Concepts
  • Al Jina, CEO, Park Place Seniors Living
  • Kristan Ash, Home Care Rep [stepped down from board earlier in 2015]
  • Donna Marasco, President of Operations, Chartwell Retirement Residence

President Dave Cheperdak will move into the position of Past-President. In addition, current directors Rowena RizzottiWill McKay, Elaine PriceAly DevjiAndre Van Ryk and Elissa Gamble all have one more year left in their term of office.

To view the new listing of 2015/16 Board committee members, please click here.


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