Residential Care Improvements Discussed at Conference

***Registration Closes May 13th***

The registration deadline for the 2015 BCCPA Annual conference is only a few weeks away and spaces are filling up quick! Over 350 people have already registered for what is considered to be one of the premiere continuing care sector events in Canada!

Leading up to the conference we will be offering sneak-previews into the many panel blue-ribbon panel discussion and speaker presentation. Read below for an inside look at the session titled: Quality Improvement in Residential Care “Safer Care for Older Persons (in residential) Environments” presented by Alberta Health Services.

Stay tuned in the coming weeks as we post more about the 24 panel discussions and presentations taking place at the 2015 BCCPA Annual Conference.

For a full program at a glance or to register, click here.


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Quality Improvement in Residential Care

Safer Care for Older Persons (in residential) Environments (SCOPE) is an improvement initiative (under the umbrella of Translating Research in Elder Care (TREC)) at the University of Alberta, which will support 40 residential care homes to improve care for residents starting in March 2015. The SCOPE quality improvement project is an innovative way to look at quality improvement in that it addresses the missing component in traditional approaches to quality improvement by focusing on frontline care providers in long-term care facilities: the HealthCare Aides. Healthcare Aides provide 80 per cent of care in nursing homes and have extensive and untapped tacit knowledge of best practices within their work environment. Allowing them to lead quality improvement teams should enhanced their quality of work life as well as patient care. In addition, applying the lens of complexity science with the Break-Through Series Collaborative model (from the Institute of Healthcare Improvement) through concepts such as positive deviance and liberating structures will be a fundamental supplement to the traditional improvement PDSA tool. This workshop will aim to share with you the tools and approaches that will be integral to the initiative. Come and learn methods such as liberating structures and social movement. You will learn how to support the positive deviants in your organization and you will be able to run a TRIZ exercise to get meaningful staff engagement.


Dr. Adrian Wagg, Professor of Health Ageing at University of Alberta, Medical Director Seniors, Alberta Health Services

Dr. Adrian Wagg, Alberta Health Services

Dr. Adrian Wagg MB BS FRCP FHEA qualified from the London Hospital Medical College in 1988. He trained in General and Geriatric Medicine in and around London and was appointed as a senior lecturer and consultant in General Internal and Geriatric Medicine to University College London Hospitals in 1997. In 2010 he was appointed as Professor of Healthy Ageing and Divisional Director for Geriatric Medicine at the U of A in medication and co-morbidity on continence status and the epidemiology and etiology of incontinence in the elderly. He has an academic and clinical interest in urinary incontinence and has published many peer reviewed publications, chapters and reviews on the subject, spoken widely and is nationally and internationally recognized. His interests are in incontinence in the elderly, the effects of medication and co-morbidity on continence status and the epidemiology and etiology of incontinence in the elderly. He was Associate Director of the Clinical Effectiveness and Evaluation Unit of the Royal College of Physicians, where he led the continence in older people program and the national audit of continence care. He is Chairman of the Frail Elderly Committee for the International Consultation on Incontinence and trustee of the International Continence Society.


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