BCCPA Launches “The Insider”

The BC Care Providers Association is pleased to launch “The Insider”, a new member-only policy-oriented resource available exclusively through our website. The Insider is packed with “real-time” information regarding the latest issues and policies impacting BC’s continuing care sector and beyond. It is something you will definitely want to place in your bookmarks.

theinsidergraphicThe Insider presents a great opportunity for our members to keep up with the fast-paced and ever-changing world of continuing care policy,” says Michael Kary, Director of Policy and Research. “It’s an easy-to-read format that gives our members a unique service not previously available to them.”

The Insider is broken into three main sections:

  • Internal BCCPA policies that have been developed or are in the process of development
  • BC changes or news relevant to the continuing care sector
  • National and International news relevant to the continuing care sector.

The Insider – November 2014 – Inaugural Edition

For the first edition of The Insider, it includes BCCPA’s analysis and commentary on a number of important issues such as:

  • A new memo regarding food service schedule;
  • Updates on meetings from the Integrated Primary and Community Care (IPAAC) Committee meeting and Vancouver Coastal regarding their RFQS;
  • Managing Changing Need policy;
  • Update from BC Seniors Advocate on new Council of Advisors;
  • Note on changes to BC Society Act;
  • Notes on BC Cremation, Interment and Funeral Services Act and MSP Rate Increase;
  • National news of significance, including CMA speech on seniors issues and National Seniors Council (NSC) report on social isolation;
  • Other provincial news, including new Ontario Health Quality reports on long term care and home care, article from Saskatchewan on establishment of a Senior Advocate and Alberta Health Services review on continuing care; and
  • International news of note including release of international Commonwealth Fund Survey of Older Adults and U.S. study noting the financial costs of Alzheimer’s disease.

The BCCPA hopes The Insider provides added value to our members and we look forward to producing many more editions in the future. To access The Insider on the membership portion of the BCCPA website click here.


If you are a non-member and would like to access The Insider or other member-related resources such as the quarterly CEO Member Report, please contact Hart Dashevsky, Director of Membership Services and Sponsorships at 604-736-4233 ext 231 or email hart@bccare.ca





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