Additional Tickets Released For Minister’s Luncheon

BC Health Minister Terry Lake

The BC Care Providers Association (BCCPA) is pleased to announce that additional tickets for the 2nd Annual Health Minister’s Luncheon have been released for purchase. The event will take place on Thursday, October 16th and will be an opportunity for Health Minister Terry Lake to speak directly to the continuing care sector of BC.

“We realize the demand for this event has been extremely high, and we are very pleased to offer a second opportunity to purchase tickets and hear directly from Minister Terry Lake,” says Daniel Fontaine, CEO. The tickets released were provided to BCCPA from other co-hosting organizations. The working committee also worked very hard with the venue to reconfigure the set-up and allow for additional seating.

Both individual tickets and tables of ten are available for purchase. Discounted pricing is available exclusively to BCCPA members.

The initial batch of 130 tickets sold out in less than a week, don’t miss out and secure your ticket today by clicking here.

For more information, visit here. 


Care to Chat Tackles Injuries In Continuing Care

Care to Chat Safety Ad CleanThis year’s Care to Chat season kicks off on November 13th with the session titled, Creating a Culture of Safety in BC’s Continuing Care Sector: Can Anything Be Done To Reduce The Highest Injury Claim Rates in BC? The session will explore strategies for creating safer work environments for continuing care workers in BC, what SafeCare BC can learn from its provincial counterparts, and how injuries prevent care givers from caring to the best of their abilities.

The expert panel will feature Jennifer Lyle, Executive Director of the newly established industry safety association, SafeCare BC. Also joining Lyle will be Dave Keen, Executive Director of Workplace Health at the Fraser Health Authority, Stephen Symon, Manager of Industry and Labour Services & Healthcare Industry at WorkSafe BC, Wendy Calhoun, Managing Director at Kaigo Retirement Communities, and Della McGaw, OSH Representative for the Hospital Employees Union (HEU).

Tickets are going fast, reserve your seat today.


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