SafeCare BC Takes Flight

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BCCPA staff continue to work hard in support of establishing SafeCare BC, the new safety association dedicated to reducing injuries in the long-term care sector.

The SafeCare BC hiring committee undertook a vigorous hiring process earlier this year which resulted in the hiring of Jennifer Lyle as the association’s new Executive Director.

Jennifer Lyle- SafeCare BC Executive Director
Jennifer Lyle- SafeCare BC Executive Director

Prior to the hiring of a new ED, the BCCPA worked to establish a separate SafeCare BC non-profit society. The society is now registered in Victoria and has a separate governing Board of Directors from the BCCPA.

Tuesday March 11, 2014 marked an exciting milestone for SafeCare BC, with SafeCare BC’s latest teleforum. Over 40 professionals from across the continuing care sector dialed in to participate in the teleforum lead by Mary Ellen Sanajko of Conduit Coaching.

In addition to Lyle, the dialogue featured perspectives from a panel of several industry health and safety experts including Della Mcgaw with the Hospital Employee’s Union, Mark Slobin of the Health Employers Association of British Columbia and Michael Sager from WorkSafeBC.


Last November, SafeCare BC undertook a training needs assessment to determine the training and resource needs of the long term care sector in British Columbia. Jennifer Hystad and Wynona Giannasi of Howegroup were contracted to carry out the needs assessment and investigate first-hand the demands of the sector. The scope of the assessment included all health and safety training, education, and resources available to the long term care sector in British Columbia. Hystad joined the teleforum to offer listeners a sneak-peek at what was discovered during the training needs assessment.

The Howegroup will also be presenting their findings at our Annual Conference during the session, Training Needs Assessment – SafeCare BC.

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