BCCPA Seeks Conference Sponsors

In only a few months, the BC Care Providers Association will be hosting its 37th Annual Conference held in Whistler. Representatives working in the continuing care sector from across the province will be gathering for what is shaping up to be an exciting event.

Feature Banner Conf“We are putting a real emphasis on policy development and our conference agenda will reflect that when delegate registration opens in a few weeks,” says Heather Campbell, Director of Policy and Research. “We have developed a whole stream of practical workshops that will have appeal to those working in home care, as well as residential care and workplace injury prevention sessions. This is in addition to us inviting some great speakers who will discuss how what we are doing here in BC can be enhanced by national and international perspectives.”

Over 250 delegates and exhibitors are expected to attend the convention. The BCCPA is currently seeking corporate sponsors who want to showcase their products and services to leaders within the continuing care sector.

“This is shaping up to be a great convention and you are going to want to be part of it,” says Hart Dashevsky, Director of Membership Services. “This year we have opened up a special opportunity to put your brand on either the delegate lanyards or registration bags. But the deadline for sponsor submissions is fast approaching.”

Anyone interested in becoming a conference sponsor should contact Hart at hart@bccare.ca. The deadline to submit your bid on branding the convention lanyards or delegate registration bags is Friday, February 21st at noon. For more information on either sponsorship opportunity, click here.lanyardsponsorship


“Similar to our successful Care to Chat series, we will engage our membership in a thought provoking and insightful discussion in Whistler,” says Campbell. “And beyond the discussion, delegates will also be taking home some real-life strategies and ideas they can apply on the frontline.”

A full list of conference workshops, keynote speakers and a link to the delegate registration will be posted here shortly. To ensure you don’t miss out, be sure to sign up for our e-newsletter, follow us on Twitter, like us on Facebook or join our LinkedIn Group.


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