BCCPA Promotes a F.L.U.E. Worth Catching

Vancouver, B.C. (Oct 15, 2013): With the flu season now upon us, the BC Care Providers Association (BCCPA) is launching a new F.L.U.E awareness campaign aimed at reminding people that hand washing before visiting friends and relatives in residential seniors care homes is the first line of defense against spreading the flu.

FLUE sticker image

The F.L.U.E campaign, which stands for Friends/Family Lather Upon Entry, will be promoted through BCCPA members across the province. Care providers will be encouraged to post these electrostat posters on all public entry/exit doors between now and the end of flu season.

BCCPA CEO Daniel Fontaine says people visiting a care home often believe they are the ones at risk of picking up a flu bug or other virus. But visitors are more likely to be carrying a flu bug into a care home, oftentimes unknowingly.

“We can’t stress enough how important hand washing is,” Fontaine said. “A good lathering up with soap and water, or with an alcohol-based hand sanitizer, is the best defense against spreading the flu or other microorganisms to vulnerable care home residents.”

All of B.C.’s seniors care facilities have protocols and training in place to prevent the spread of illnesses. These protocols can include recommendations such as thoroughly washing:


  • Before and after direct patient contact
  • After completing tasks at one patient station before moving to another station
  • Before procedures, such as https://bccare.ca/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/medcare-img22.jpgistering intravenous medications
  • Before and after contact with vascular access
  • Before and after dressing changes
  • After contact with items/surfaces at patient stations

germs-stop-here-300x225The BC Centre for Disease Control (BCCDC) recommends the following hand washing steps to thoroughly rid your hands of potentially harmful germs.

  • Wet your hands with warm water.
  • Apply plain soap to your hands and rub together for 20 seconds (the length of time it takes to sing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star or Happy Birthday)
  • Wash the front and back of your hands, as well as between your fingers and under your nails.
  • Rinse your hands well for 10 seconds under warm running water, using a rubbing motion.
  • Wipe and dry your hands gently with a paper towel or a clean towel. Drying them vigorously can damage the skin.
  • Turn off the tap using the paper towel so that you do not re-contaminate your hands. When using a public bathroom, use the same paper towel to open the door when you leave.


For a copy of our F.L.U.E. fast facts sheet, please click here.

If you are a member of the BCCPA and would like to participate in the F.L.U.E. campaign, please click here to order your complimentary stickers.


BC Care Providers CEO, Daniel Fontaine, discusses the F.L.U.E. campaign with CKNW

“People often think when they go to a care home they are going to catch something, but in reality they are often bringing in things [the flu] themselves.” – CEO Daniel Fontaine, BC Care Providers

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