Research Roundup: Initiatives Seek Participants and Stakeholder Feedback

We often come across a number of studies and initiatives that are seeking research participants or stakeholder feedback. Here are a few recent ones of interest to care providers, residents, clients and their families:

The Way Forward National Framework: A Roadmap for the Integrated Palliative Approach to Care (Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Association)

The Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Association is seeking feedback on The Way Forward: Moving Towards Community Integrated Hospice Palliative Care in Canada. Launched in 2012, The Way Forward is a three-year initiative funded by the Government of Canada that aims to change how we think about and approach aging, chronic, The Way Forwardserious and life limiting illness and dying, and how we can extend the benefits of hospice palliative and end-of-life care, and advance care planning, to as many Canadians as possible across all care settings. The initiative is guided by the 37 organizations that make up the Quality End-of-Life Care Coalition of Canada. The Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Association manages the initiative.

Research Study on Supportive Healthcare Decision Making for Diverse Populations (University of British Columbia)

Researchers at the University of British Columbia are interested in talking to patients and/or their family members from diverse economic, cultural, and linguistic backgrounds about their views on making important and/or difficult healthcare decisions. You may be eligible to take part in the study if you are an adult who has engaged in complex decision-making about your own healthcare, or has been a surrogate decision maker on behalf of a loved one. Learn more.

Call for Participation in Research: Understanding the Lived Experience of Supported Decision Making (Canadian Centre for Elder Law)

Are you using supported decision-making to help you make your own decisions, through a BC representation agreement? Would you like to be interviewed about your experiences? Would people in your decision-making support network like to be interviewed? Learn more.



If you are a researcher seeking participants or stakeholder feedback, please contact us and we might share the opportunity on our website. 

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