#TellThemYouCare Messages – May 6-10

We are thinking of you! Hope you have a good day!

Hello dear seniors. I hope you are having a good day and are enjoying the sunshine. I wanted to share a little poem that I think is very cute and funny. Really the opposite of social distancing. It is by a Washington state haiku poet, Vincent Tripi.
ant colony
excuse me, excuse me, excuse me
excuse me, excuse me
– Sidney, Victoria

I went for a walk in my neighbourhood around 7 last night and all the people were outside their houses banging pots and pans. So many people are thankful for the essential workers and first responders. They are clapping and making noise in appreciation. How wonderful to feel the love. Here is a little poem that i hope brings you some pleasure.
loosening a NOT
in my stomach Sidney Bending

I hope you will enjoy my pictures. The first one is about a clown making people laugh. The second picture is ballerinas dancing. – Hazel, Vancouver

Mr. Senios, we hope you had a great day on the senior’s day, my family and me happy for you, thanks for be happy and healthy.


Good morning. What a beautiful day — hope you are enjoying the sunshine — it is streaming through my window. Think about you every day. Wishing you good health and good spirits. I am going to cut some lilacs and bring them into my living room. They will fill my whole home with sweet fragrance.
Can you smell my flowers from there? – Sidney, Victoria

Stay safe. Please see my attached letter. – Nourah, Vancouver

Hi my name is Kishore, I am a ten year old boy, and I am writing to you because I wanted to know how you are in this social isolated time. What are you doing in this isolation time? Well I have lots of work that’s keeping me busy. Do you miss your regular life? Well I don’t because I like to stay inside my house. Do you miss meeting people? I miss friends because I can’t see them. I miss going to school. Do you have any thoughts about the people you want to meet in person? I am meeting my friends on video calls and my relatives too.

To keep you busy you can read books, you can video with your friends, you can draw or paint and play some online games with your friends. Those are my suggestions to keep you busy.

Well be brave. There is nothing to worry about. Just maintain social distancing and wash your hands regularly. I hope this crisis will end soon.

“It takes courage to dream, to face our futures and the limiting forces within us” By: Kishore

Elise and Ethan from Vancouver, BC would like to send you their warmest thoughts, wishes, and beautiful things in this world that make them happy… like butterflies, ice cream, candy canes, flowers, sunshine, balloons, and HUGS!

Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms out there who can’t be with their children, grand-children, etc. Here’s wishing you lots of love and hugs when you’re with them again. And for everyone else, wishing you a beautiful day! – Julia, Abbotsford

Hope you are having a lovely day. Have you heard about John Hillman in Oak Bay? He is 101 and is walking 101 laps around a courtyard at his retirement home. He wanted to raise $101,000 for a children’s charity. Yesterday, I saw his total. He has raised over $104,000 after only going 25 laps. Good for him. Every day he does 5 laps and with the encouragement of all the good folks who are donating, he has increased it to 10 laps a day. What a wonderful example of resilience and determination. What a wonderful example of people caring. – Sidney, Victoria

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