#TellThemYouCare Messages – June 8-30

The other day, a black man said he was afraid to walk in his neighbourhood. 75 friends and strangers showed up to walk with him. All different races. One lady walking her big dog. One lady with her kid in a stroller. 75 strong. We can come together to make the world a better place. – Sidney, Victoria

Just read a wonderful story about an 8th grade class in the Waldorf School in Santa Fe, New Mexico. They had saved $2800 for a rafting trip at the end of the school year but Covid 19 cancelled their plans. So they donated all of it to the Navajo Nation. Asking for what they needed the most — the students bought diapers, cans of soup, bottles of water, and medicine. What a great group of young people. – Sidney, Victoria

Good morning from Victoria. Wanted to share a sweet story with you. Starlight Children’s Foundation had a contest to design a fun and uplifting gown for children to wear while they are in hospital. Tyler’s little sister had her first open heart surgery when she was 3 months old. He won the contest by designing a pretty pink gown and it will be used across America. He added the words that reminded him of his sister — brave, courage, love, fighter, survivor and more. What a kind tribute to help kids. – Sidney, Victoria

A big hello from the Okanagan Valley.  Hope you are staying happy and healthy!
Reach out to a family member or friend!  They would love to hear from you I’m sure!
The picture I sent you is taken on my bike ride around Wood Lake with my girl friend. Vernon is in the distance.
Big hugs and have a lovely day and know that we care!

Hello. Hope you are having a wonderful day! The picture I sent to you is of the wonderful sunset we saw last night in Kelowna. It was truly beautiful with all it’s magical colours!

Hope you are staying safe and healthy during these unusual times! Know that you are respected and loved!  Big Hugs, Michelle 💜

Wanted to share this with you. A father in the United States wanted to lift his daughter’s spirits during a stay-at-home period due to COVID. So he got out all his Christmas lights and decorated the whole outside — his house, garage, trees. Everyday and night he lit up the wonderful display. Many people were happy to see them. He started a Facebook group and now there are more than 2000 homes lit up in lights to lift everyone’s spirits. Just hearing this story lifted mine. Hope it lifts yours, too. – Sidney, Victoria

Hope you are having a lovely day!
The photo I sent you is a country my husband and I recently to… New Zealand.
It was wonderful!  The weather was perfect, food was great as well the people and landscapes!
Do you have any trips that come to mind that you really enjoyed?
Call a friend or relative today and chat about your travel experiences.
Wishing you good health and a big smile and hugs to you from me today!
Michelle 💜

Here is a flower collage I made out of pictures I have taken during quarantine! I hope everyone enjoys :)

A neighbourhood in the US wanted to cheer up the children who stopped going to school and daycare. So they put a call out for neighbours to put teddy bears in the windows. Families went for a walk and counted all the houses that had bears. There were 50. The kids and the parents loved it. – Sidney, Victoria

In a city in Virginia, Google is sending books from the library to kids using a drone called ‘Wings.’ The drone has been used to deliver medicine from pharmacies and meals from restaurants. Now the schools are enticing kids to do some summer reading by being excited by the delivery of a drone right to their door. The first time in the world. How cool. – Sidney, Victoria


Just heard a wonderful story about a family restaurant in Georgia. They have a giving board. People pay for a meal or drink or $5 towards a meal and the gift is pinned up on the board. Anyone can use the gift. A cancer patient did, a recently laid off man, a homeless woman. The idea spread to a neighbourhood second hand store. People donate money to pay for jackets, blankets and coats. What a wonderful idea. Strangers on Facebook donated $1200 toward the cause. So many good people in the world doing good things. – Sidney, Victoria

Hope you are healthy and well and that you had a wonderful day!
The photo I sent to you was on a trip my husband and I took to New Zealand in February.  We watched a sheep sheering demonstration and saw how their 2 year old border collie dog was able to round the sheep herd up so skillfully! They are very intelligent dogs! It was a fun show to watch!
Biggest hugs! 🐑

we all in this together even when you are alone you should know there are people who care people who love you people who are doing a lot for this community. Please know that..
Lilly Woodrow

A Cadboro Bay,  Vancouver Island, boy won a poetry contest. There were over 10,000 entries about the Meaning Of Home. At $10 per entry fee they raised over $100,000 for charity. He won a few things for himself but the grand prize was $30,000 donation in his name to his local Habitat for Humanity.  What a wonderful story. – Sidney, Victoria

Wishing you a relaxing and happy day!  The picture I chose today is the edelweiss flower found in the alps of Switzerland.  I am proudly growing this flower in my garden.  It loves it in my planter!
Reach out and call a loved one today just to say hello and chat! I’m certain that they would love to hear from you today!
Good health to you and big hugs from your caring friend.
Michelle 🌞

Saw a video of a young boy having a water fight on the front lawn with his mom and dad. A big red fire truck was driving by and stopped. Firefighters joined in the fun — with some of their equipment too. What a happy event. Bet the child remembers that day forever. – Sidney, Victoria

Here are some collages of photos that I have taken during quarantine! I hope everyone enjoys:)

Here are some cards that I made for everyone to look at! I hope you all enjoy!

I sent you a photo of a herd of deer that were helping themselves to our back yard grass. The grass must have tasted great because they stuck around for quite a while!
Hope you are happy and safe!
Call a family member or a friend during this time to connect!
Best wishes sent to you with a BIG hug! 💜

Saw a wonderful video on Facebook today. A police officer was called out to a poor neighbourhood for a noise compliant. A group of kids were playing basketball on the street. Not only did he play a game with them but he invited Shaq O’Neal to come play with them too. Shaq offered $100 to each kid who could make a free throw and all the kids made one. He told them to respect their peers, listen to their moms and dads, learn lots at school. Officer White started a basketball foundation and is using the money donated to build basketball courts in poor neighbourhoods. What a great story. – Sidney, Victoria

Hello, I am sitting here in my living room waiting till an incredible storm passes over us. Lots of rain in the Okanagan region this year! Tried to golf for the last 2 days and was rained out! I was able to get some planting in which was nice as you can see in the picture I sent you. Wishing you a happy and healthy day. We are thinking about your wellbeing no matter what life throws at us! Biggest hugs, Michelle

A little good news for today. Last week the Ocean Voyages Institute collected 103 tons of plastic and garbage from the Pacific Ocean. None of it will ever be in a landfill or find its way back to the ocean again. Wonderful. – Sidney, Victoria

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