Quality-Innovation-Collaboration: Strengthening Seniors Care Delivery in BC

coverOn February 18, 2015 the BC Ministry of Health released a series of papers covering five broad areas of the health system including: patient centered care, health human resources, rural health, surgical services as well as primary and community care. The Ministry also later released a paper on Information Management / Technology in June of 2015.

The BCCPA has responded to the Ministry with its own report titled: Quality-Innovation-Collaboration: Strengthening Seniors Care Delivery in BC.

In regards to the Ministry of Health policy papers, the BCCPA would like to see more concrete solutions on reducing unnecessary hospitalizations, including through the greater use of residential care, assisted living and home care / support.   As outlined in Setting Priorities for the BC Health System, a large driver of total cost occurs in the year prior to, and the year of, entry into residential care – with high rates of hospitalization via emergency departments en-route to residential care. As outlined later in this paper, we provide proposals to reduce unnecessary hospitalizations including through the development of new continuing care models (i.e. continuing care hubs).

Click here to view the full report.


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