BCCPA Launches New Website and Social Media Tools

On May 7th, we launched our new website and social media channels as way of helping to better connect with our key stakeholders.

“With the introduction of a new YouTube channel and Facebook page, we want to be able to speak more directly to the care aides, residents and their loved ones,” says Daniel Fontaine, CEO for the BC Care Providers Association. “Social media is where most of the interaction is taking place and it’s important we are having those discussions on Twitter as well as in-person.”

The revamped website will also be placing a renewed focus on celebrating the residents and their family members as well as the care aides that work on the front-line each day. There will be more feature stories as well as opportunities to highlight the successes and innovations of our membership across British Columbia.

A new Q & A tab has been added and will be regularly updated with the types of questions most people are contemplating if they are moving into a residential care setting or require home care services. There will also be a lot more video and audio added to the site as well as an upcoming E-Newsletter that will replace the Care Quarterly publication this summer.

“We’ve also completely restructured our advertising and sponsorship opportunities,” says Fontaine. “The most prominent new sponsorship opportunity is our ‘Care to Chat’ speaker series that will be officially launched later this year. It will invite some of the most thought provoking and idea inducing speakers who are innovating in the field of health care in B.C.”


What’s Else is New?

Job Postings: Members can now post their job vacancies on our website. Every posting also includes a special e-blast to our stakeholders.

Boardroom Rental: We are now renting out our 15 seat boardroom for external bookings.

Photo Gallery: A new and improved photo gallery will help to capture the people, places and activities of the Association

Resources: A new resources section will allow you to link to the most recent publications, videos etc…from the BCCPA, our members as well as other key stakeholders.

Board Committees: A new section on our website will list all board committees and opportunities to get involved if there are vacancies.

Advertise CEO Report: With the Care Quarterly retiring, you can now advertise in the new CEO Monthly Report that is distributed to members electronically 8 times per year.

Testimonials: The website will incorporate real-life testimonials from residents, family members and care aides from across BC.

Quick Facts: If you want to get some quick information on the continuing care sector, check out our new Quick Fact tab.

We trust you’ll enjoy our new look interactive website and social media channels!




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