On November 13th, the BC Care Providers will kick off the second season of the successful Care to Chat speaker series. We are pleased to announce that Robin Gill, weekend anchor for Global National, will moderate the discussion. The topic of the panel discussion is “Creating a Culture of Safety in BC’s Continuing Care Sector: Can Anything Be Done To Reduce The Highest Injury Claim Rates in BC?”.

Since arriving to the national newsroom in December 2008, Gill has been assigned to report on some of the biggest stories making news across Canada and around the world, such as the high-profile inquiry into the death of Polish immigrant Robert Dziekanski at the Vancouver International Airport; the 2011 United Nations meeting in Geneva where world leaders discussed how to deal with then-Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi; and the aftermath of Japan’s massive, devastating earthquake and tsunami that struck in March 2011.
Care to Chat panelists include Jennifer Lyle, Executive Director of SafeCare BC, Dave Keen, Executive Director of Workplace Health at the Fraser Health Authority, Stephen Symon, Manager of Industry and Labour Services & Healthcare Industry at WorkSafe BC, Della McGaw, OSH Representative for the Hospital Employees Union (HEU) and Wendy Calhoun, Managing Director for Kaigo Retirement Communities.
About the Care to Chat Discussion
Did you know that those working within the continuing care sector have one of the highest injury claim rates in the province? Our claim rates are higher than coal miners, carpenters, ranchers, and law enforcement officers.
In 2013, the continuing care sector paid out $23 million in injury claims, resulting in chronic staffing shortages, higher staff turnover, and overtime costs – all of which can negatively affect the quality of care received by seniors.
The financial impact to BC’s Care providers is also significant. Scarce dollars that could be directed to improving seniors’ quality of care must be used to cover costly WorkSafe BC premiums each year, straining already tight budgets.
Is there more we can be doing to protect continuing care workers in BC? What can SafeCare BC learn from other jurisdictions? Are high injury rates preventing seniors from receiving the quality of care that they deserve?
How to Purchase Tickets
Last year over 600 people attended the Care to Chat series with a number of sold-out events. Seating is limited and there remain a few tickets left for sale. BCCPA members can purchase tickets at a discounted rate of $75 each or $660 for a table. Non-members can purchase tickets for $125 each or $1100 per table. Click here to purchase your tickets now.
Thanks To Our Sponsors
Returning as the sponsors for this season is Medical Pharmacies as Platinum Sponsor, Rexall Specialty Pharmacy as Gold Sponsor, Coutts Pulver LLP and Justice Institute of British Columbia as Silver sponsors.
SafeCare BC Extraordinary General Meeting
Immediately following Care to Chat, SafeCare BC will host an EGM to mark the official transition of its governance from the interim to permanent Board. For more information, or to register for the SafeCare BC EGM, click here.