BCCPA Elects Four New Board Members

The BC Care Providers Association Board of Director elected four new board members at its recent Annual General Meeting during the BCCPA Annual Conference last month.

“As BCCPA continues to deliver effective leadership and valued resources for promoting the growth and success of our members, we welcome the addition of these four outstanding new board members,” said Dave Cheperdak, President. “It’s great to see four individuals with a high level of expertise in home care, strategic business management and public-private partnerships join the Board.”

We would like to extend a warm welcome to our four new board members Debra Hauptman, Elissa Gamble, Rowena Rizzotti, and Kristan Ash.

For the full Board of Directors please click here.

We touched base with newly elected board member Elissa Gamble for a short interview. Check out the interview below.



What is your current role with Bayshore Home Health?

[EG:]  My title is Director Regional Development for Western Canada, specifically, Saskatchewan, Alberta, and BC.

How long have you worked there and what was the career journey to where you are?

[EG:]   I have been with Bayshore for 14 years.  I started my Healthcare career in residential care as a Recreation Aide.  Working on the front lines I fell in love with caring for the elderly.  Once I completed my Honours degree in Economics, I sought out the Master’s in HealthCare Administration degree to allow me to  pursue my passion.  I am part of a team that supports seniors (and all people who need a little help) by providing options over where to live and allows seniors to age where they are happiest.  

What inspired you to run for a board position with the BC Care Providers Association?

[EG:]  I see a real opportunity to drive continuous improvement for all British Columbians by coming together as shared voice across a spectrum of care alternatives. 

Could you tell us about a few personal accomplishments in your life, career related or outside of work?

[EG:]  While I was working in residential care I was awarded the “Quality of Life Award” for going above and beyond in doing the small things that made a difference in residents’ lives.  It was formative in my career.  I have been involved in major restructuring projects and have provided leadership over major acquisitions and contract awards resulting in hundreds of client and employee transition plans.  I have designed and improved processes within my region as well as Nationally with Bayshore in major restructuring and redesign projects.  All of these successes were possible because of that relentless attention to the client experience, and a little planning too.  My favourite personal  continuous improvement project would have to be golf.  In addition, I have the great privilege and responsibility of raising two wonderful children, ages 6 & 8 with the support of my loving husband.   

What do you see as obstacles that must still be overcome for the sector?

[EG:] Funding continues to be a major issue we all face as contracted service providers.  Whether home or facility based, funding has not kept pace with costs and it is simply not sustainable without some attention, discussion and ultimately, rethinking and change.  There is opportunity for improvement with our Care Aide Registry and how it could potentially work better to inform employers and protect seniors.

Where do you see the future of the continuing care sector, 10years, 20 years, beyond?

[EG:]  I see the complexity of care in home and facility will continue to increase.  Health workers, especially unregulated care providers will be expected to do increasingly complex tasks requiring more skills and knowledge than is being offered through standard training programs today.  Education will need to keep pace along with funding formulas to ensure the best possible care for seniors in the best possible setting for their stage of life.  In addition to this, especially in Western Canada, there is real shortage of Unregulated care providers in Home Health care.  This will become an increasing pressure point as the need is increasing faster than the workforce.

What areas of your job do you find most rewarding?/ What is it that you love most about your job?

[EG:]  I love being part of a system that can allow someone to finish their life where they lived it, if that is their choice.  I love being able to offer clients a choice in their senior years and am continuously rewarded by the impact that makes in people’s lives.

When you were younger, what did you want to be when you grew up?

[EG:]  A grown up.  I still want that.

Is there anything else you would like to tell our members?

[EG:] I am looking forward to working with all BCCPA members and supporting that membership and the sector to the best of my ability. 



Stay on the lookout for our interview with Debra Hauptman next week!



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