Invitation to participate in a 2SLGBTQ+ Aging Needs Assessment

If you live in British Columbia, are at least 55 years old, and identify as part of the 2SLGBTQ+ community, you are invited to participate in a study which seeks to document the housing, health, community, and financial needs of 2SLGBTQ+ seniors in British Columbia.

The study is being sponsored by the Dignity Seniors Society of Vancouver, a non-profit organization dedicated to providing “tailored information and programming for 2SLGBTQ+ seniors and seniors’ service providers in British Columbia, with a focus on health, housing, community building and finances. The project is being led by Matthew Heinz, a Professor at Royal Roads University in Victoria.

The goal of this important work is to inform Canadian scholarship and to guide applied programming in British Columbia.

BCCPA has collaborated closely with the Dignity Seniors Society of Vancouver over the last year, to promote awareness of ‘LGBTQ2S+ positive’ seniors care. This work has been done in concert with BCCPA’s “Aging with Pride” initiative which was started in 2019 (see

More information about participating in the needs assesment can be found here.


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