Benevolent actions by Abbotsford pharmacy staff keeps elderly residents safe

Summer 2021 has seen dozens of B.C. communities severely impacted by wildfires and lives disrupted by the threat of fires, smoke and road closures. Among those who have been most affected are the staff and residents in long-term care and assisted living residences, some of whom were required to be evacuated late at night.

During mid-August under the guidance of Apex Pharmacy Co-Owner Elke Groening, a dedicated team at the Abbotsford-based business went the extra mile to assist 36 seniors who were evacuated from a care home in Kelowna to their temporary residence at Menno Place. The staff from the pharmacy worked late into the evening to fill and prepare prescriptions for emergency medications needed by evacuees. Apex’s team volunteered their personal time to distribute medications among the many who were forced out of their Okanagan care home by poor air quality.

Thanks to the coordinated effort by Apex Pharmacy staff, Menno Place, Interior Health and Fraser Health, residents who were quickly transported to safety were made more comfortable by the availability of their emergency medications.

Everyone at BC Care Providers Association and EngAge BC applauds the phenomenal effort of the staff at Apex Pharmacy, Menno Place and the health authorities for an extraordinary effort under challenging circumstances.

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