LTC operators invited to complete UBC survey on COVID-19 best practices

A message to B.C. long-term care operators:

In 2020, nurse researchers from the University of British Columbia (UBC) conducted a case study of one long term care (LTC) home in British Columbia (BC) to better understand the impact of COVID-19 pandemic management strategies on staff, residents and their families.

To date, the case study has many interesting findings but it is unclear if they are applicable to other LTC homes in the province. For this reason, and as part of a new study they would like to invite one LTC leader from your care home to participate in a 20-minute, confidential and voluntary survey of COVID-19 best management strategies. Funded by Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research (MSFHR), this survey is a partnership between UBC researchers, the BC Ministry of Health, BC Care Provider Association (BCCPA) and LTC staff, residents and family representatives.

The responses will be collated and analyzed as part of a study to explore differences in best pandemic management strategies across various LTC home characteristics such as funding structure, geographical region and bed size. Following data analysis, LTC representatives (e.g. leaders, staff, residents) will be brought together in virtual discussion forums to review the findings and to collectively identify best policy and practice recommendations for the LTC sector.

As such, we are asking ONE leader representative from your care home to fill out this confidential survey. If you are an executive leader of a LTC home, please complete the survey before June 28, 2021, using the following link below or please forward this survey to your care homes’ executive leader.


Click here to Complete Confidential Survey 

Or copy and paste the URL below into your internet browser:

If you have any questions or concerns about the study or survey, please contact the Primary Investigator:

Farinaz Havaei RN, MERM, PhD
Assistant Professor of Nursing, UBC
Phone number: 604-827-4732

We hope you take the time to be a part of the evidence and to shape the future of the LTC sector.

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