CEO year-end message to BCCPA and EngAge BC members

See BCCPA and EngAge BC’s “Top 10” highlights of 2109

Dear BCCPA and EngAge BC member,

2019 has been a breakthrough year for our organization, filled with several milestones. And as it draws to a close, we can look back with great pride on many of the year’s highlights.

But first, I would like to take this opportunity to thank our members for their continuing support. At BC Care Providers Association, we strive to put our members at the heart of everything we do, and it is because of their trust, support and contributions that we were able to accomplish everything we did in 2019.

I would also like to acknowledge the incredible contributions of all of our board members and the hard-working teams at BC Care Providers Association and EngAge BC. For a summary of the year’s highlights, please watch my video message and read a “Top 10” list of 2019 milestones.

Video message from Daniel Fontaine

I am pleased to share with you our top 10 highlights of the year:


1. EngAge BC launch

At the 2019 Annual Conference in May, BCCPA CEO Daniel Fontaine launched EngAge BC, a new operating arm of BCCPA, to support the distinct needs of private pay independent living, assisted living, long-term and home health care operators.

Three unique programs are being developed under the EngAge BC umbrella.

  • Route 65 is a free, groundbreaking online destination that helps match seniors with the leading operators of independent living, assisted living, long-term care and home health in B.C.
  • Taking place on November 21st-22nd at the Vancouver Convention Centre, the Seniors Living Expo and Job Fair will highlight seniors’ living and wellness services for older adults. Over 20,000 ticketed are attendees expected.
  • Assurity is a practical approach to meeting industry standards and supporting the public to make informed, confident choices about independent and assisted living services.

2. Growth in membership

We saw a rapid growth in membership in 2019, in part due to the delivery of new programs and services, and the inclusion of independent living as a member category. A total of 45 new members joined BCCPA and EngAge BC this year, which has helped to strengthen the voice of B.C.’s seniors’ living and wellness sector, and ensure we are heard by key decision-makers in our province.

3. Care Aide Registry reforms

In November, BCCPA CEO Daniel Fontaine stood alongside Minister of Health Adrian Dix as he announced significant reforms to the BC Care Aide and Community Health Worker Registry which were, without a doubt, the largest steps our sector has seen in over a decade aimed at addressing the health human resources crisis in B.C. The changes will open new pathways for out-of-province health care assistants who want to work in British Columbia. We look forward to collaborating further with the province to increase the supply of workers to the sector and strengthen quality of care for seniors.

4. CEO Listening Tour

In April 2019, BCCPA CEO Daniel Fontaine went on a 4-day Listening Tour in the B.C. Interior. His trip included several visits to member long-term care homes and independent living residences; a meeting with care providers from the region (at the inaugural “IAN” meeting); individual meetings with local MLAs and MPs; a meeting with senior staff at Interior Health; in addition to several media interviews.

5. HCA bursary program

In 2019, BCCPA committed to investing $25,000 into a bursary program for health care assistant training. We partnered with Okanagan College to provide a bursary of $3,125 to eight eligible students enrolled at the Kelowna campus, providing nearly a full scholarship for aspiring health care assistants.

6. 42nd Annual Conference

Tradeshow booths for the 2019 Annual Conference sold out within a day—a new record! Over 500 delegates and 80 exhibitors attended the conference in Whistler, B.C.

7. Website traffic

There were a record 140,000 visits on our website over the past 12 months, including thousands of downloads of our policy and research reports, and over 50,000 visits on Route 65 since its launch on July 31st.

8. Strategic plan

We reached the last mile of BCCPA’s 2017-2020 Strategic Plan, with 95 per cent of our goals achieved.

In June 2019, our board of directors and staff gathered in Kelowna to begin developing the 2020-2023 Strategic Plan. We are confident in the direction the new strategic plan has taken, and look forward to unveiling it in the new year.

9. Policy reports

We published 5 major policy reports on key topics of concern to our members including:

10. New advocacy initiatives

This year, BCCPA strengthened its advocacy efforts by launching “Aging with Pride” to build LGBTQ2+ competency in the sector; the Quality of Life Framework to promote a quality of life-oriented culture in all seniors’ living and wellness settings; and the 3rd annual “Gift Of Time” campaign to awareness of social isolation among older adults by encouraging the public to visit seniors during the holiday season.

To our sponsors

Support from our corporate partners enables us to deliver exciting and engaging events throughout the year.

We extend our gratitude and appreciation to all of our sponsors named below.

Care to Chat

Rexall Health Solutions (Title)
Arjo Canada Inc (Gold)
Point Click Care (Gold)
Medical Pharmacies Group Limited (Silver)
Sobeys Pharmacy/Pharmacy at Safeway (Silver)

Annual Conference

Handicare (Title)
Extendicare Assist/Silver Group Purchasing (Platinum)
Rexall Health Solutions (Gold)
Arjo Canada Inc (Gold)
TELUS Business (Gold)
Medical Pharmacies Group Ltd (Gold)
Essity (Gold)
Sobeys Pharmacy | Pharmacy at Safeway (Silver)
FortisBC (Silver)
Care RX Integrated Pharmacy (Silver)
Westland Insurance Group Ltd. (Silver)
Cardinal Health Canada (Silver)
Remedy’s RX (Silver)
Coinamatic Commercial Laundry
Ecclesiastical Insurance
Gordon Food Service
Heritage Office Furniture
Maxwell Management Group Ltd.
Medical Mart | Medline
MIP Inc.
Point Click Care
SafeCare BC
Scout Technology Guides
Span Medical Canada
Stonebridge Financial Corporation
Surge Learning
TeksMed Services Inc
Westbridge Group Valuation Partner
Willingdon Care Centre

Educational Partner


Seniors Living Expo & Job Fair

Essity (Presenting partner)

Looking ahead

It has been a very busy and productive year for all of us, and 2020 promises to bring even more progress for our sector. Our board and the team here at BCCPA can only do this with your support.

On behalf of the board our teams at BCCPA and EngAge BC, I wish you all a wonderful festive season and that you have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Sincere regards,

Daniel Fontaine

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