Enabling seniors of all abilities to create and enjoy music

The Mobile Music Therapy Kit is a unique way for residential care homes to engage seniors with a wide range of physical and cognitive challenges in creating music and participating in groups.

The music kit – developed by CanAssist at the University of Victoria – enables those who can’t play standard instruments to create music independently by moving any part of their body over which they have some control. For example, by moving an iPod that has been attached to their arm, seniors can create the individual notes of the instrument of their choice.

The kit includes:

  • a portable base station, with built-in speakers, a charging system, and a sturdy carrying case on wheels
  • a built-in iPad tablet – used by music therapists or facility staff – which runs a highly simplified mixing app that controls of all the “instruments”
  • 4 iPod Touch devices, each loaded with CanAssist’s Waveband motion-activated music app, so that even seniors with mobility and dexterity challenges can participate
  • 4 Velcro attachments that secure the iPods to any part of the body over which the person has some muscular control
  • 4 wireless accessibility switches – another way to trigger various sounds and music
  • easy-to-follow instructions and a how-to video

The music kit is eligible for purchase by non-government, publicly funded residential care homes in BC through the Seniors Safety and Quality Improvement Program (SSQIP). The third and final period of funding under the SSQIP program opens April 30, 2019, and closes May 21, 2019.

“The music kit opens up musical possibilities for more participants because of its adaptability. It’s a great package that helps groups play together that would otherwise not be able to do so.”


Music Therapist, Victoria Conservatory of Music

For more information, please contact:

Niki Andresen
CanAssist Product Development Coordinator
Phone: 250-472-4888
Email: canassistprodev@uvic.ca
Website: www.canassist.ca

See the Mobile Music Therapy Kit in action at a BCCPA workshop in Nanaimo on May 7. CanAssist staff member Niki Andresen will demonstrate the kit and answer questions. See the BCCPA website for more information.

Niki also looks forward to seeing everyone at the BCCPA 2019 Annual Conference in Whistler this May.

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