Don’t miss out on BCCPA’s upcoming workshops & events

Check out BC Care Providers Association’s exciting lineup of events and workshops.

Human Rights in the Workplace: An Overview for Employers | Feb 11 | 9.30 a.m. – 4 p.m. | Parksville

Creating respectful and inclusive workplaces makes good business sense.

Topics covered include:

  • What are “human rights” and where do they come from?
  • Discrimination and the BC Human Rights Code
  • An employer’s duty to accommodate
  • Supporting employees with addictions
  • Dealing with bullying and harassment in the workplace, including sexual harassment
  • Creating an inclusive, discrimination-free workplace
  • Conducting workplace investigations
  • Navigating the Human Rights Tribunal process

Who should attend?

This full-day workshop is designed to assist employers, business owners, managers, human resources professionals, union leaders and members of the public to understand their rights and responsibilities under human rights law.


The cost is $25 per person. A package of materials, lunch and light refreshments will be provided.

Email to register. 

CARF’s Consultative Approach to Continuing Care Accreditation | Feb 26 | 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. | Burnaby

carf bccpa workshopAccreditation provides a path to enhancing the quality of services in BC’s continuing care sector. CARF’s, well-established, consultative accreditation process supports organizations in making improvements to business practices, care processes and service provision with the goal of enhancing the lives of the people served.

CARF’s standards are field driven. Working with consumers, providers, and funders, international consensus standards have been created and maintained to promote quality, value and optimal outcomes of services. Our aging services standards, including those tailored to residential care, assisted living, supportive housing, home support, and adult day services settings, have been found to be highly relevant to this sector across Canada.

This interactive workshop will provide participants with an understanding of their organization’s readiness to pursue accreditation, and will provide an overview of:

  • CARF as an aging services accreditation option in BC
  • CARF’s mission, vision, values and the concept of ‘moral ownership’
  • The field-driven standards for aging services
  • Resources and supports available
  • The consultative accreditation process
  • The value and outcomes of CARF accreditation
  • The fees and time investment associated with CARF accreditation

If you’ve ever wondered whether accreditation could benefit your organization, or if you would be interested in learning more about a consultative, non-prescriptive accreditation option, this workshop is for you!

Who should attend?

Administrators, Managers, DOCs, Board Members and Quality/Risk Management staff in community organizations including residential care, assisted living, supportive housing, adult day services and home care/support.

Email or call 1-888-281-6531 (ext 3013) to register. 

Person-Centered Dementia Care Training Course | Four-day blocks in April, July and September | Vancouver

This course is designed for directors, managers, nurses and senior care workers working with people living with dementia who wish to positively change dementia care for now and future generations.

The course moves beyond understanding person-centered care to ensure you are equipped with the skills, knowledge and ability to be person-centered where “Feelings Matter Most®” – what’s called “The Butterfly Approach”.

Block One | April 23-26  | Led by Dr. David Sheard, Founder of Dementia Care Matters and Peter Priednieks, Co-Founder of Dementia Care Matters, and with a DCM Canada Team member
Block Two | July 16-19 | Led by Sally Knocker, Senior Consultant Trainer, Dementia Care Matters UK and Ireland, and with a DCM Canada Team Member
Block Three | September 26-27 and  September 30-October 1 | Led by Darren Felgate, Senior Associate Consultant, Dementia Care Matters UK and Ireland, and with a DCM Canada Team member

The cost is $1,600 + GST.

  • Sign up by January 31, 2019 to register 2 people for the price of one.
  • Sign up by February 28, 2019 to register 3 people for the price of 2.
  • Registration after March 2019 is full price.

SafeCare BC’s Safety Den | May 27 | Whistler

SafeCare BC is holding its fourth-annual Safety Den, proudly sponsored by Points West Healthcare. This exciting Dragon’s Den-style competition celebrates and encourages safety innovation in both long-term care and home care and community health support.

In our Member category, you will have the chance to win of three cash prizes, with the top prize being $1,000 that you can use to invest in your idea, or enhance your organization’s health and safety program. And in our Commercial category, one organization will win the coveted Safety Innovation of the Year Award.

Tell us about your safety innovation in a word submission of 300 words, or a video of less than two minutes. Your submission should answer the following questions:

  • What is your idea or innovation
  • How does it improve workplace safety?
  • What has been, or will be the impact?

Three finalists from each category will be selected to compete at the Safety Den, which will be held at the BC Care Providers Association’s 2019 Annual Conference on Monday, May 27th in Whistler. The finalists will pitch their safety innovations to our judges, or Safety Dragons as we call them. Questions from our Dragons will make for an entertaining and interactive experience.

Submissions can be sent to Ken Donohue at The deadline for submissions is Friday, April 12.

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