BCCPA adds seniors independent living as new member category

Among the many decisions supported by BCCPA members at last Friday’s annual general meeting was a revision to the association’s by-laws to allow for Independent Living as a member category. It constitutes the biggest leap for BCCPA as an organization representing seniors care and seniors’ issues in B.C. Currently, service provider members include long term care, assisted living, and home health providers.

“For many months, our board has been discussing ways to broaden our mandate to include independent living,” says BCCPA CEO Daniel Fontaine. “Over the past year we have been focusing on a number of member initiatives, such as modernizing our fee structure, and exploring a quality assurance program for our assisted living members. The board’s decision to include independent living as a member category flowed from these efforts.”

BCCPA currently represents the majority of non-government seniors care providers, with 27% service provider membership growth and 42% commercial member growth over the past 18 months. The association is preparing to pilot in 2019 a revamped MyCareFinder service that will include a searchable listing for provincewide providers of IL, AL, home and long-term care.

“The board appreciates that this is a bold step for BC Care Providers Association, but one that has been a long time coming,” says BCCPA board president Aly Devji. “The whole spectrum of seniors living and providing care is undergoing rapid changes in the coming decade, and BCCPA is the right organization to represent this growing sector.”

At their next meeting, BCCPA’s membership services and engagement committee will be discussing the fee structure and service offering for new independent living members.


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