Home health membership fee change & other BCCPA 2018 AGM highlights

On November 23rd, BCCPA’s Board of Directors and staff were joined by dozens of members from across the province for the Association’s annual general meeting and board election. To read about the new board click here, and to read about a significant by-law change involving Independent Living membership click here. Some other important news arose out of this year’s meeting, including a major change to our home health membership fees.

New Home Health Care membership fees!

Elissa Gamble of Bayshore Home Health speaks at AGM in advance of board election

Following last week’s AGM, BCCPA’s home health members will see new membership rates of 2 cents per care hours delivered in a year. Home health membership rates will begin at a minimum of $400 and will be capped at $6,000.

The change was put forward at the advice of BCCPA’s Membership Services and Engagement Committee, and is intended to make membership more accessible for mid-sized organizations delivering home care and home support. It is aligned with the Association’s recent efforts to expand our support for the home health care sector.

BCCPA ensures that membership fees paid are kept completely confidential.

Update for members

Both service provider and commercial members in the room received a presentation from Karen Baillie – who now assumes the role of BCCPA Past President – and CEO Daniel Fontaine on last year’s key accomplishments. These include:


Fontaine also told the audience to expect exciting new initiatives from BCCPA in the New Year, including:

  • BCCPA’s 2019 Conference, titled “The Q-Factor”;
  • Continued work on Bill 16 implementation in the assisted living sector;
  • Proposed public engagements with the Minister of Health;
  • New policy papers on culturally appropriate care and Care Hubs;
  • And, a continued focus on strengthening relationships within and outside of the seniors’ care sector.

Other motions

Members voted to approve four policy motions:

  • That the B.C. government review the assisted living funding model as to determine the most appropriate funding approach, allow for consistency within the sector, decrease https://bccare.ca/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/medcare-img22.jpgistrative burden, and increase flexibility to support the continuum of care for seniors
  • That BCCPA work collaboratively with the B.C. government and other sector stakeholders to develop, fund, and implement a robust Health Human Resource Strategy in order to address chronic labour shortages in the continuing care sector
  • That BCCPA seek the appropriate support and funding to work with stakeholders to implement Quality Assurance models for assisted living and home support
  • That the B.C. government reduce the number of people on long term care wait lists by establishing a target to ensure at least 65 percent of those waiting for a bed can access one within 30 days

Flickr photo album (AGM 2018)


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