Media Advisory: Experts to hash out impact of pot legalization on seniors’ care

Oct 1, 2018 (Burnaby, B.C.) – At Tuesday’s BC Care Providers Association’s Care to Chat event titled “Cannabis in Care: ‘Weed’ Like to Know,” panelists will engage in a dynamic discussion about the impact of cannabis legalization on seniors and workers in the continuing care sector.

WHAT: Care to Chat luncheon panel discussion on cannabis in seniors care

WHO: Former Minister of Health Terry Lake (moderator) and expert panel

WHERE: Terminal City Club, 837 W. Hastings St, Vancouver, BC

TIME: Noon – 2pm


They will examine budding issues, regarding how employers can mitigate new legal, safety or cultural risks that crop up after legalization, while considering seniors’ right to access cannabis for medical reasons or recreation.

Terry Lake, former Health Minister of B.C., and VP, Corporate and Social Responsibility, Hydropothecary, is the moderator for the event. Lake will invite a variety of perspectives and approaches in what promises to be one of our highest-acclaimed events yet.

Panelists include David Greb, Director, Continuing Care at Canopy Growth Corporation; Terry Roycroft,  Founder and President of the Medicinal Cannabis Resource Centre; Stephen Symon, Strategic Engagement Consultant at WorkSafe BC; and Al Jina, President/CEO of Park Place Seniors Living.

Care to Chat takes place on October 2nd from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Terminal City Club in Vancouver.

The event will be shared on social media using hashtag #CareToChat.


Media Contact
Rumana D’Souza
Digital Media and Communications Coordinator
BC Care Providers Association | (778) 681-4859

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