Top 5 FAQs about the Seniors Safety & Quality Improvement Program (SSQIP)

The Seniors Safety and Quality Improvement Program (SSQIP), managed by the BC Care Providers Association, allows long-term care home operators to apply for new equipment funding intended to improve safety and quality of life for residents. The second application period of SSQIP opened on August 28th, and will close on September 28th.

Below are the top 5 FAQs about the program.

Q: I have been approved for funding. What does my receipt need to show?

A: Your receipt provided by the vendor must show the date they received payment and a zero amount owing or the balance that was paid.

Q: How do I start a new application?


A: In the application system, select Programs → More → Apply

Q: I cannot meet the 90 day deadline to provide invoices and receipts. What do I do?

A: If you have missed the deadline for Period 1, contact the Director of Programs with the reason for the delay and how much more time is needed for the purchase and implementation to provide invoices and receipts. If you are applying in Period 2 and 90 days is not sufficient, add the time you need in the adjudication notes of the application.

Q: Will I get funding for all the items I have requested in this period of applications?

A: There is a set funding amount in each application period for completed submissions.  There could be full or partial funding. It is important to list the items in order of priority in the application as well as provide any notes for funding consideration. All applications are reviewed with the Guiding Principles. Your measurable intended outcomes are important to complete thoroughly.

Q: When will I hear about the decision?

A: All updates on timelines are made available on the SSQIP page.

For questions, please contact the Director of Programs Snezana Ristovski at Care providers can also call 604-736-4233 (244) during regular business hours.

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