New radio campaign zooms in on quality of care and seniors care jobs

BC Care Providers Association’s latest radio campaign draws attention to two key issues in seniors care—untapped career opportunities in the sector and strengthening quality of care for residents living in B.C.’s long-term care homes.

“Through this radio campaign featuring our CEO Daniel Fontaine, BCCPA is emphasizing ongoing efforts to strengthen the delivery of seniors care in the province, particularly the recently announced funding of $2.6 million for the fist application period of the Seniors Safety and Quality Improvement Program,” says Mike Klassen, VP, Communications and Stakeholder Relations.

The program, managed by BCCPA, allows long-term care homes to apply for funding for new equipment intended to improve safety and quality of life for residents. BCCPA recently launched the second application period which allocates up to $2 million in funding.

The radio campaign also underscores the unique benefits of working in the continuing care sector.

“BCCPA has been working tirelessly to address the critical shortage of workers in seniors care. We want to highlight not only the huge demand for jobs in the sector, but the variety of jobs as well,” Klassen says.


“Our awareness campaigns aim to help qualified workers find rewarding jobs in one of the fastest growing sectors in B.C.,” he adds.

The response to BCCPA’s last recruitment campaign in January was far reaching, triggering record web traffic on BCCPA’s website with over 19,000 page views in a month.

BCCPA encourages its members to post vacancies on its Jobs Board, particularly during this period of high web traffic. Members can post an unlimited number of basic classified ads on the self-service jobs bank through Member365.

For FAQs on jobs and province-wide training programs, testimonials from experienced staff, latest news and more, please visit

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