BCCPA explores new quality assurance in assisted living program

Last January, BC Care Providers Association began a quality assurance in home support initiative which included a robust consultation with both home health care providers and the public. The program concept was approved by BCCPA’s Board of Directors on September 19th and is expected to launch in 2019. Now, BCCPA is exploring the expansion of the organization’s quality arm to include an assisted living program.

“Our members have been telling us that a quality assurance program is something they would like to see available through BCCPA,” says Mike Klassen, VP, Communications & Stakeholder Relations.

“We are looking forward to exploring the feasibility of a program which would promote assisted living providers who can demonstrate that they are providing exceptional service, while helping consumers make informed choices.”

Members with thoughts or questions about this initiative, or the process which will support the program’s development, can contact Rebecca Frederick, Manager, Public Affairs, Assisted Living & Home Care.

What else is BCCPA doing to support assisted living members?


This initiative is just one of several ways BCCPA has been expanding our programming for assisted living providers. In addition to growing our assisted living membership, communicating regularly about Bill 16 and advocating on things like the Employment Standards Act, our recent efforts include:

  • Our Board of Directors passed a motion to appoint a director who represents the interests of assisted living members. This motion was recommended our Governance Committee and reflects an ongoing expansion of the Association’s efforts to serve assisted living providers. A representative will be appointed during our AGM in the fall.
  • Our Events and Recognition Committee has added a new Care Provider of the Year: Assisted Living category to the BC Care Awards.
  • We hosted a sold-out panel discussion at our 2018 conference entitled C.’s Assisted Living Landscape: Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow, with special guests Dr. Kim McGrail (UBC), Ron Pike (Elim Village) and Sharon Stewart (B.C. Ministry of Health).

Join us and strengthen seniors care…together.

BCCPA is proud to be the leading voice for the seniors care sector in British Columbia. We represent our members through policy development and advocacy, as well as providing networking and knowledge sharing opportunities through our dynamic events and member workshops.

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Please contact Rebecca Frederick, Manager, Public Affairs, Home Care & Assisted Living, should you have any questions.

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