Meet the recipients of BCCPA’s “40 for 40” bursary program: Shaun Leong

In February BC Care Providers Association announced the recipients of its “40 for 40” bursary program. As part of its 40th anniversary celebrations, BCCPA is providing all-expenses paid trips to its 2018 Annual Conference in Whistler to students enrolled in post-secondary programs in B.C.

Leading up to the conference, BCCPA will be profiling six bursary recipients from the University of British Columbia, Simon Fraser University and University of Victoria.

Meet Shaun Leong

Shaun is a full-time student at Simon Fraser University’s Post Baccalaureate Diploma in Gerontology.

Growing up Shaun suffered several sports injuries and went through years of physiotherapy.


“I simply couldn’t enjoy doing what I loved most, which was to play sports. On top of that, basic tasks such as walking up the stairs or raising my arms to brush my teeth became unnatural,” Shaun says. 

Working closely with physiotherapists influenced Shaun to study physiotherapy and pursue a career in continuing care. He completed his undergraduate studies in kinesiology at SFU and moved on to gerontology.

His gerontology courses have given him hands-on experience and had a great influence on his professional development. Shaun’s passion for the work is one of the many reasons why he was awarded BCCPA’s “40 for 40” bursary. 

Shaun says attending the 2018 Annual Conference would allow him to break out of his comfort zone—trade lecture halls and online distance education courses for networking opportunities with leading professionals, innovators and thinkers in continuing care.

“I’m extremely excited, honored and blessed to be chosen as one of the lucky recipients of the BCCPA’s bursary program,” he says. 

“Having the pleasure to meet experts and influencers face-to-face would not only inspire me through their abundance of knowledge but also the future opportunities that could emerge through interpersonal connections.”


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