First set of SSQIP applications now under review

The first application period for the Seniors Safety and Quality Improvement Program (SSQIP) closed on February 28th, 2018, and all submitted applications are now under review.

“Applications are currently under review for March, and letters of approval will be sent out between the end of March and the beginning of April,” says BCCPA Director of Programs Snezana Ristovski.

Once the letter of approval is issued, the applicant can begin making their purchases for the approved items. Reimbursement will be completed once the receipts are submitted and verified.

Items that have not been approved for funding for the first period of 2018 will either move to the next open application period or will be requested in a new application, as identified by the applicant.

“If your application was approved for partial funding or you have missed the first application period, we want every applicant to know that you still have time,” says Ristovski. “The SSQIP funding your care home is eligible for is secured until the end of September 2019, and there will be at least three open applications periods per year.”


The next open application period is set to launch mid-April 2018.

Applicants have an opportunity to request a 30-minute walk-through of the application process. If you have any questions, or would like to set up a walk-through, please contact Program Coordinator, Pamela Eng at

We would like to thank the SSQIP Advisory Committee that is comprised of appointed representatives from the following organizations that work with care providers in B.C.:

    • BC Ministry of Health (one rep)
    • Denominational Health Association (one rep)
    • SafeCare BC (one rep)
    • BC Care Providers (two reps)

For questions regarding SSQIP, contact Snezana Ristovski at or Pamela Eng, Program Coordinator at Care providers can also call 604-736-4233 during regular business hours.




The Seniors Safety and Quality Improvement Program (SSQIP) is province-wide program funded through a $10 million grant from the BC Ministry of Health to the BCCPA. All non-government publicly funded residential care homes operating within the province are eligible to participate.

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