Strong response for SSQIP needs assessment survey

Assisted living, home care and home support providers’ needs assessment still open to determine future funding opportunities

BC Care Providers Association and Howe Group would like to thank care providers for taking the time to complete the needs assessment survey for the Seniors Safety and Quality Improvement Program (SSQIP). We’re on schedule and targeting to accept applications by mid-December.

BCCPA Director of Programs Snezana Ristovski

The needs assessment, which ran from November 1 to 17, is now closed for residential care providers only.

“We’re so grateful for the 115 responses we received from care homes,” says Director of Programs Snezana Ristovski.

“Your participation plays a critical role in developing the eligibility and criteria of the SSQIP application and funding.”

The SSQIP Advisory Committee and Howegroup will meet at the end of November to review the results, after which the program criteria and eligibility will be communicated broadly via the BCCPA website and through our Advisory Committee partners in December 2017. We will begin accepting online applications by mid-December.


Assisted living, home care and home support providers can still take the survey until November 30—a higher response rate will help determine requirements for any future funding opportunities.




The Seniors Safety and Quality Improvement Program (SSQIP) is province-wide program funded through a $10 million grant from the BC Ministry of Health to the BCCPA. All non-government publicly funded residential care homes operating within the province are eligible to participate.

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