Member profile: What’s new at Medical Pharmacies?

Medical Pharmacies Group Limited (MPGL) is Canada’s leading provider of pharmacy services to residents of long-term care homes, retirement communities, and specialized care facilities. For more than 60 years, MPGL has been providing innovative, cost effective and safe acquisition and dispensing of medications.

As MPGL celebrates 60 years, they are excited and pleased to take safety to another level in BC by rolling out their packaging solution for drugs that require special handling, as defined by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH).

To support safety and compliance for front-line nursing staff, MPGL separates NIOSH medications and labels them using capital letters that are printed directly on the pouch packing. By using the NIOSH classification this helps easily distinguish the NIOSH medication thereby promoting staff safety. There is no confusion regarding how to handle the medications.

Medical Pharmacies’ packaging solution leads the industry in providing safety measures for staff and we are proud to be launching this safety measure in British Columbia.

To find out more, visit MPGL’s website.


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