Member Profile: ComVida Corporation

The BC Care Providers Association is proud to serve not only residential care, assisted living and home care providers, but also its commercial members from across the province. We often like to feature our members, the services they offer, and their relationship with the Association.

In this edition of member profiles, we would like to feature one of our commercial members, the ComVida Corporation.

ComVida Regional Sales Manager Tony Morris

ComVida is an employee management software that offers its services to businesses, non-profit and government organizations, allowing them to make their operations more efficient while cutting costs significantly. Non-profits represent 85 to 90 per cent of ComVida’s clientele.

ComVida’s integrated system is user-friendly and flexible. It streamlines and improves functions by reducing time and effort.

ComVida has been a BCCPA member in the past, and rejoined the Association after Regional Sales Manager Tony Morris joined the company in 2016. Morris said that as a frequent attendee of the BC Care Providers’ conference and tradeshow, he felt ComVida would benefit greatly by becoming a BCCPA member again.


“What we value most about our membership to BCCPA is the relationships,” Morris said.

“We get more credibility with our customers and potential customers when they know that we’re members of the BC Care Providers Association. Long term care facilities appreciate us more because we’re a member.”

Morris was voted in as BCCPA’s 2018 annual conference commercial representative, and now serves on the Association’s Events & Recognition Committee.

“I wanted to join the Events & Recognition Committee to build more relationships with providers around the province.”

Morris said he looks forward to working with the Events & Recognition Committee to organize the BCCPA’s Annual Conference in Whistler in 2018.

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