Latest Canadian Frailty Priority Setting Partnership survey

Would you like to help set Canadian frailty research priorities? Now you can by filling out the latest Canadian Frailty Priority Setting Partnership’s survey by 2pm (Pacific time) Friday, August 25.

As outlined in a March 2017 web post, the earlier survey responses were distilled into a list of 41 questions about frailty. As part of the second survey they are now asking people to review a list of 41 questions, then pick up to ten you believe are the highest priority. The Partnership is looking for responses from older adults, their friends, family and caregivers, and health and social care providers who work with older adults. It is also not necessary to have completed first part of the survey to take part in the latest survey.

BC Care Providers Association is pleased to support the Canadian Frailty Priority Setting Partnership on their research initiative on care, support and treatment for older adults who are frail. We encourage you to complete and circulate the survey to others who would also be interested. The study is being funded by the Canadian Frailty Network, who will make the final results public and use the results to inform their research funding program.

The study follows the methods of the James Lind Alliance (UK). It is being led by Drs. Katherine McGilton (Senior Scientist, Toronto Rehabilitation Institute – University Health Network), Jennifer Bethell (Postdoctoral Researcher, Toronto Rehabilitation Institute – University Health Network) and Martine Puts (Assistant Professor, Lawrence S. Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing, University of Toronto) and overseen by a Steering Group that includes people affected by frailty, either personally or professionally.

To fill out latest survey click here.

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