Year in Review: A Video Message from BC Care Providers

BC Care Providers: 2016 Review

Posted by BC Care Providers Association on Thursday, December 15, 2016

Watch our Year in Review video

What an amazing and busy year we have had. There are so many things the team at BC Care Providers Association are proud to have accomplished.

They include:

  • A dynamic and successful conference in Whistler last May
  • The release of 2 influential and important White Papers on the future of community care in B.C.
  • The hosting of the 1st BC Continuing Care Collaborative with over 140 key stakeholders in attendance
  • Having the Legislative Standing Committee on Finance include our recommendations as the lead items in their Budget 2017 report
  • Launching the 4th season of the Care to Chat speakers series with a sold-out event
  • Conducting a public survey on care with over 750 responses
  • Selling out our booths for the 40th anniversary annual conference in record time
  • Securing top-flight sponsors for our major events
  • Growing our BCCPA team and as well as our membership
  • Landing a front-page feature story on care in a major daily newspaper
  • Publishing reports on key subjects of interest to the sector

Hard to imagine that 2017 will be getting even busier, but we are expecting that with a provincial election, our 40th anniversary conference, and a number of big discussions on the future of community care in B.C. on the way, being busy is a certainty!

Our CEO Daniel Fontaine hosts a “year in review” video, and has also produced a comprehensive members-only report, available now on our M365 member portal. All of this is to say “thank you!” to our members and sponsors for a great 2016.



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