Analysis: How can we double end-of-life care capacity in B.C. by 2020?

By Lara Croll, M.A., BCCPA Policy Analyst While talking about the end of someone’s life can be difficult, the simple fact is that dying is a large part of life. Over 330,000 Canadians die every year, and the Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Association estimates that each of these deaths affects five people on average, including friends […]
BCCPA Report: Doubling Hospice & End-of-Life Bed Capacity in BC

New paper provides policy recommendations Although the BC Government has made some progress in end-of-life care such as the release of its 2013 Provincial End-of-Life Care Action Plan, as well as committing to double number of hospice beds by 2020, more action and discussion is required. In particular, this paper is the BC Care Providers Association’s […]
Gift ideas for a loved one with dementia
The following article was published in The Globe and Mail on Dec. 1 and was written by Adriana Barton. +++ Kids get toys. Spouses drop hints about the gifts they hope to find under the tree. But what to give a friend or family member with dementia? Even if short-term memory is spotty, chances are […]