Following the release of these two major white papers last May, the BCCPA conducted a public consultation survey focused on obtaining feedback regarding the options outlined in them.
The online survey collected results from the public for eight weeks over the summer of 2016, promoted through online advertisements on Facebook and Twitter, as well as through the BCCPA website. The survey received over 750 responses, 56% of which were seniors over the age of 65.
The survey was developed by BCCPA staff, and program using SurveyMonkey, an online survey tool. Surveys were promoted through BCCPA e-blasts to members, as well as online through the BCCPA website, Twitter handle, and paid ads on social media (i.e. Facebook).
The survey collected responses for eight weeks, in July and August 2016. Respondents were offered an incentive to complete the survey – a $50 Tim Horton’s Gift Card.
The survey utilized a number of question types, including:
- Yes/No: Participants were asked to indicate their support or opposition to policy options through Yes/No/ Other -please explain Text responses were then coded as yes, no, unsure, depends, and other depending on the content of the comment.
- Position Statements Participants were asked to choose from a number of closed-response multiple choice options to indicate the statement that best represents their position on a number of issues in the continuing care sector.
- Multiple Choice (Multiple Responses): Participants were asked to prioritize areas funding areas by choosing the top three areas to focus additional revenue on.
- Likert Questions: Participants were asked to indicate their agreement or disagreement to a series of statements regarding issues in the continuing care sector.
- Demographic Questions: Respondents were asked to answer demographic questions on age, income and gender.
The final report will be explored in a series of upcoming posts. To download a copy of the full report, click here.