Industry Collaborative Aims to Shape Future of Seniors Care in BC

“Historic” gathering of government, labour, health authorities, & family reps

Vancouver, BC (September 20, 2016) — The inaugural BC Continuing Care Collaborative takes place today beginning at 9am at the SFU Morris J. Wosk Centre for Dialogue in downtown Vancouver. The BC Care Providers Association (BCCPA), in partnership with the BC Ministry of Health, is hosting the strongest representation from across our province’s seniors care sector ever assembled for a day-long dialogue.

The Collaborative will feature representatives from health authorities, labour groups, government, worker and resident safety experts, family members of those in care, seniors, NGOs, the Seniors Advocate, academics, researchers, doctors, nurses, LPNs, trade associations, and seniors care industry professionals.

Using the hashtag #BCC3, the Collaborative will also incorporate social media, through video streams shared via Facebook Live and tweets @BCCareProviders.

Dr. Darryl Plecas, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Health for Seniors and MLA for Abbotsford South, will be making the Collaborative’s keynote speech beginning at 1pm. He has been tasked by Minister Terry Lake to undertake a residential care review, which it is anticipated he will discuss in his address.

“The Ministry of Health and BC Care Providers Association have an important partnership, sharing similar goals in supporting seniors,” said Plecas. “I look forward to being a part of the dialogue that will be taking place at the meeting.”


In May, BCCPA released two major White Papers that outline a number of potential options to improve the sustainability of the continuing care sector, as well as to foster innovation. In addition, a public online Seniors Survey was conducted over eight weeks, garnering over 750 responses of which nearly 60 percent were seniors.

The Collaborative completes a four-month process by bringing the industry and the public together for this important forum.

“BC Care Providers Association is extremely pleased to be bringing such an incredible cross-section of individuals from across our province together to have this conversation about continuing care,” says BCCPA CEO Daniel Fontaine. “We are grateful for the support of Minister Terry Lake and Parliamentary Secretary Plecas, all the sector representatives, and those who will share their own stories at the Collaborative. I am convinced we can make a big difference by working together on that day.”

See the day’s agenda as well as a complete list of those attending the BC Continuing Care Collaborative:

The BC Continuing Care Collaborative is made possible thanks to our knowledge partner McKesson Canada.



Mike Klassen, BCCPA VP Communications & Stakeholder Relations

After 9am please contact:
Diana Lim, BCCPA Executive Assistant & Membership Services

About BC Care Providers Association

Established in 1977, the BC Care Providers Association (BCCPA) is the leading industry association for B.C.’s continuing care sector. Our growing membership base includes over 300 residential care, assisted living, home care and commercial members from across British Columbia.

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