2016 Annual Conference Look Back

The Second Plenary session focused on exploring new care models for seniors.

The 2016 BCCPA Annual Conference took place from May 29-31 in Whistler, BC. The event, titled Ensuring Excellence: Building a Stronger Continuing Care Sector, attracted over 450 care providers, government officials, MLAs, and industry stakeholders who heard from an impressive list of over 35 speakers and participated in 16 thought-provoking workshops as well as an expanded Exhibitor Marketplace, pre-conference policy cafe and SafeCare BC’s first ever Safety Den.

“This was truly an amazing conference and it sets the stage for the big 40th Anniversary Conference next year,” says Daniel Fontaine, CEO for the BCCPA. “The quality of speakers, plenaries, workshops and exhibit booths was outstanding and the feedback we’ve received so far has been extremely positive.”

Thank you to all those who attended. See below for post-conference resources, testimonials, photos and slides.

Conference Agenda

Click here for a PDF version of the 2016 BCCPA Annual Conference Agenda.


Delegates and exhibitors interact outside the Exhibit Hall.

Here is a small sample of what attendees are saying about the 2016 BCCPA Annual Conference:


“We all really enjoyed the conference this year!  Thank you for everything that you do for BC Care…..I know it’s a TON of work!”

“Thanks for a great conference.  It was a great blend of speakers, information and fun.”

“As a new exhibitor, I am very impressed with the thought that has gone into ensuring people spend lots of time in the exhibit area and enjoy themselves while there. The extra tables and chairs scattered around the aisles made a huge difference during lunch and when we wanted someplace to sit and talk. The casino event worked great in encouraging people to stay and talk to us exhibitors through to 7 pm! Wow! Running your AGM from there and having a meeting with exhibitors to talk about what went well and what needs work all point to an organization that is engaged in this part of your conference planning. Thanks!”

“Caresino was the best Monday night event that has been held!”

“The conference was excellent! The Best to date! Thank you and please continue to raise the bar. It was a great learning experience, great for networking, meeting suppliers, inspirational and I have received similar feedback from colleagues since the conference. Well Done!”

“I really enjoyed the sessions by Dawna Friesen and Dr. David Sheard – they gave a different perspective…I really enjoyed hearing a family perspective on what we do and hearing from someone who actually says what they think – not just busy being “politically correct.”

“Thanks to all for being such gracious hosts! As always, you did so much us to the forefront with the members! We truly appreciate the strategic introductions and timely conversations. You work hard to provide value and we thank you. Thank you also for addressing the members with the message to give each of the vendors their time when we reach out. We are grateful for that message and commit to being prudent in our follow up communications with the members.”

“This years conference I think was the best I have ever attended and I have been attending most years since 2000 or 2001!”

Photo Album

Click here to view a photo album from the 2016 BCCPA Annual Conference.


Opening Keynote:

Dawna Friesen, Anchor, Global National 

friesenDawna Friesen is an award-winning journalist who has worked as an anchor and executive editor for Global National since September 2010. Before joining Global, Friesen worked as NBC’s foreign correspondent and anchor in London for 11 years. Appearing on NBC News, Today and MSNBC, she traveled extensively covering international news stories, including the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Friesen has also covered a variety of seniors issues in the past including Global National‘s series on living with Dementia and how Canadians are adapting to the disease. Friesen experienced the challenges of caring for people with dementia first hand as both of her parents were afflicted, which she shared in her piece called Dementia Will Affect You. She most recently wrote a piece called Diagnosis of dementia isn’t the end. It’s the beginning.

To view Dawna Friesen’s keynote address, click here.

Learning How to be a Butterfly in Alberta: The 3 Butterfly Household Model of Care Projects


None of us want to live in sterile, clinical, faceless institutions where uniforms, long corridors and a drug regime prevails. The Butterfly Household Model breaks nursing homes and care homes into domestic houses where people are matched to live together at a similar point of experience of dementia. Reducing stress, decreasing ill-being, removing controlling care and helping everyone living and working together to come alive in true family-like houses are the beginnings of the Butterfly Approach. In this workshop, Dr. David Sheard and Nicole Gaudet will visually demonstrate the learning emerging from the first 3 Butterfly Projects which commenced in Alberta in 2015 with Lifestyle Options, Covenant Care and CICL. The Workshop will take participants through the key features of the Butterfly Household Model and participants will complete their own evaluation of the care home in which they work using Dementia Care Matters Inspiring Action 50 Point Checklist identifying their first 6 priorities to turn staff into Butterflies.


Dr. David Sheard, CEO, Dementia Care Matters 

sheardOver the last 35 years David has developed a reputation as a challenging and motivational speaker in the UK, Ireland, USA, Canada and Australia. As the founder of Dementia Care Matters, his main focus in speaking, consultancy, training, writing and his media work in national TV is to shape culture change in dementia care and to emphasise that ‘Feelings Matter Most’. Dementia Care Matters has ten arms:

  • University Recognised Learning
  • Butterfly Care Homes
  • Learning Resources
  • Mattering At Home
  • Mattering in Hospital
  • In-House Training
  • Development in Wales
  • Development in Ireland
  • International Development
  • David’s Development Consultancy

Dementia Care Matters’ belief and approach as a team are outlined in 19 publications and DVDs entitled the ‘Feelings Matter Most’ series including the new publication ‘Loving: the essence of being a butterfly in dementia care.‘ In 2015 Dementia Care Matters launched its new culture change DVD, ‘Giving: hope for the future of dementia care’ and acted as UK TV Series Consultant to the three-part documentary series ‘Dementiaville’ on Channel 4.
David has a staff appointment as a Visiting Senior Fellow in the School of Health and Social Care, University of Surrey and holds an Honorary Degree award of Doctor of the University (DUniv).

To view David Sheard’s presentation, click here.

Nicole Gaudet, VP, Choices in Community Living

Nicole Gaudet - PhotoNicole Gaudet is Vice President of Choices in Community Living (CICL), an Alberta-based, family-run Supporting Living provider in Spruce Grove, Red Deer and Lethbridge, Alberta. It’s the aim of CICL to create joyful homes
where Residents, their families and staff can live inspired lives. After completing an undergraduate degree in business and psychology, Nicole dedicated time to volunteer work in Ukraine, India and Nepal, returning in 2006 to build and direct Supportive Living facilities. Nicole has an MSc in Aging from the University of Alberta, and has a special interest in how design and emotional intelligence influence quality of life for people with dementia. As the current Director of Copper Sky Lodge, Nicole is excited to be piloting Canada’s first Butterfly Household Model with Dr. David Sheard.

To view Nicole Gaudet’s presentation, click here.


To download the 2016 Annual Conference speaker presentations, click here.
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