Seniors Advocate Responds to BCCPA Policy Report

BC’s Seniors Advocate has written to the BC Care Providers Association in response to the release of our policy paper Quality-Innovation-Collaboration | Strengthening Seniors Care in BC. The report included 5 key recommendations to the BC Ministry of Health which were in response to their policy papers released earlier this year.

In her letter dated November 30th, Isobel Mackenzie states “the 5 recommendations that you are proposing are, in my view, both innovative and practical. There is no question that ideas like these are critically needed as we look at the growing demand for health care resources for our most frail seniors.”isobel-mackenzie1

Mackenzie goes on to state “your ideas around new continuing care models are also interesting. I have visited some care hub environments and fully agree that these can be ideal settings for seniors. Your recommendations around eligibility criteria and restrictions around assisted living certainly align with recommendations we are also making.”

“We’ve had an excellent response to the forward-thinking ideas put forward in the paper,” says Daniel Fontaine, CEO, BC Care Providers Association. “The feedback from the Seniors Advocate is most welcome and we also look forward to hearing back from the Ministry regarding how they plan to incorporate these ideas into future care models.”

To read a copy of the BCCPA policy report including the 5 recommendations, please click here.



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