City Hall Chamber Transforms Into Venue for BCCPA Concert

Jazz trio (left to right) Alan Matheson, Jon Roper and Russell Botten
Jazz trio (left to right) Alan Matheson, Jon Roper and Russell Botten

Surrey City Hall chambers are normally filled with local residents talking about zoning and public hearings. However, this afternoon it was transformed into a beautiful venue for the 2nd Annual Concerts in Care performance. Approximately 150 people were in attendance including 125 residents from a number of local member care homes.  BCCPA member care homes in attendance included:

  • Brookside Lodge
  • Cascades Lodge
  • Cherington Place Care Home
  • Elim Village
  • Lakeview Care Centre
  • Maple Ridge Seniors Village
  • Northcrest Care Centre
  • Saint Elizabeth Healthcare
  • West Shore Laylum
David Lemon from the Health Arts Society speaks with Surrey City Councillor Barbara Steele in advance of the special Concerts in Care performance.

Also in attendance were a number of seniors from the Hawthorne Care Home.

“It was such a pleasure to have so many seniors from our member care homes in attendance today for this special event,” said Daniel Fontaine, CEO for the BC Care Providers Association (BCCPA). “It was great to see people tapping their feet and singing along with the performers who were there entertaining everyone on behalf of the Health Arts Society.”

The BCCPA encourages our members to learn more about the great low-cost, high-quality programming offered by Concerts in Care. It has been a great hit with seniors across B.C. with almost 6500 performances conducted to date.

Tiller’s Folly performs on stage at Surrey City Hall in front of a crowd of 150 care home residents and staff.

“Once again it’s been great to partner with the BC Care Providers Association to help raise awareness about the importance of seniors in care having regular access to high quality arts and culture,” says David Lemon, Executive Director, Health Arts Society. “We hope more care homes across the province will reach out to us directly to find out how we can help improve health outcomes and the quality of life of seniors in care.”


Surrey City Councillor Barbara Steele, a long time advocate for seniors, was welcomed to the stage to provide opening remarks. On behalf of Mayor Linda Hepner, Steele thanked the BCCPA and Concerts in Care for developing a wonderful program for seniors and noted that Surrey is working hard to become “a senior-friendly city”.  Surrey will be hosting a seniors summit early next year and is working hard to ensure the city is a welcoming city for its elder population.

The BCCPA would also like to say a big THANK YOU to all the staff at the City of Surrey along with all the Directors of Care who helped support the event today. Most appreciated!

For more information about how to bring Concerts in Care into you care home, please contact David Lemon directly at To view more images from the event…click here. To view a brief video, click here.

Eleven care homes participated in the special Concerts in Care performance at Surrey City Hall. With the concert over, it was a bit hectic outside as everyone headed back to their bus!



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