SafeCare BC to Host Bill 9 TeleForum

On May 14, 2015 the BC Government passed Bill 9. Join SafeCare BC on July 15 for their next TeleForum where they discuss Bill 9 and the changes to the Workers Compensation Act.

telephoneDuring this 60 minute TeleForum, topics to be discussed will include:

  • What is Bill 9?
  • What does Bill 9 consist of and what’s new?
  • When does this Bill come into force?
  • What does this mean for your organization?
  • Spotlight on changes to investigation and incident reporting requirements.
  • What’s different and what needs to happen now?
  • What will prevention officers be looking for?
  • What can organizations do to be in compliance?
  • What can we expect over the next few months for this Bill?
  • Where can we go for more information?

Registration Information (Members Only)

Presenters: Jessica Berglund, Senior Prevention Advisor (WorkSafeBC)
Stephen Symon, Manager, ILS Health Care and Social Services (WorkSafeBC)
When: Wednesday, July 15 from 11:30-12:30
Fee: No charge

This TeleForum is exclusive to SafeCare BC Members Only (classification unit 766011 – “Long Term Care”). Membership is determined based on a classification unit defined by WorkSafeBC. If you work at a site that belongs to this classification unit, you are automatically a member. Learn more here or e-mail






Read more: Bill 9 Passed: Changes to the Workers Compensation Act Effective Immediately


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