terrylakeIn February, the BCCPA held its 2nd Annual Delegation Day in Victoria. Once again, we pulled together Board members, BCCPA staff, front-line care workers and family to meet and help educate MLAs regarding our sector and key issues of concern.

We met with well over a dozen government and opposition MLAs over the course of the day and had some great discussions. Our delegation was also in attendance at Question Period and we were formally introduced into the Legislature by the Minister of Health. Here is an excerpt from Hansard:

“Hon. T. Lake: I am very pleased to rise in the House today and introduce some leaders from the B.C. Care Providers Association and Bayshore home health. They’ve come to Victoria for tonight’s B.C. Care Awards, which celebrate the dedication, innovation and excellence of front-line workers and staff in continuing care across the province.

Today in the gallery we have Daniel Fontaine, who’s the CEO of the Care Providers Association; Dave Cheperdak, who’s the president of the association’s board of directors; Elissa Gamble, who is the director of regional development for Bayshore home health; and a very special guest, Wendy Miller, who is a registered personal care aide with Bayshore home health and the winner of the B.C. Care Providers Association Care Provider of the Year Award. Would the House please make them very welcome.”


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